Page 512 - 1 Persian Trade rep Bahrain 1_Neat
P. 512


                                            TABLE A I—IMPORTS.

                               Coir>TMi»a               1921-22       1922-23       19*23-24

                                                          £             £             £
                 A mb Coast                               7,\3C*2        76,942        98.143
                 Amcrin                                                  6,044
                 Bun                                      61,434        232,117       175,528
                 England                                                  366          3.1S3
                 India                                   1,236,535     2,097,506     1 *353.505
                 rcreU .                                  58,174         39,796        50,504
                 Zanzibar                                  1.244         l.SOO          733

                                                         1,452.699     2,454,571     1,711,630

                 Increase in 1922-23 over 1921-22        1,001,£62   68-9 per cent.
                 Decrease in 1923-24 below 1922-23       7,423, S30  30*2 per cent.

                                              TABLE B I—IMPORTS.
                    Total Imports of Principal Articles into Bahrain during the years 1921-22 to 1923'24.

                                                          ■Qc-astitt            Value
                                                   1921-22  1922-23  1923-24  1921-22  1922-23  1923-24
                                                                           £      £      £

                 Animal*—                                                   2S0
                  Camels .                             12
                  Donkeys ...                                        22      27            60
                  Horses                                                                   53
                 Animals for slaughter, etc.—                                      43*    1,117
                  Cattle                              151            201  12,431  7.3M   14,666
                  Goatu and Sheep                    15,297        12j009
                  Poultry .   .                                              47
                Building Materials—                                        0.978  fTfi O   4.824
                  Timber an-d Wood                                                       12,066
                  Other materials .                                        0,732  5,371
                Cereals—                                                 424,271  364.615  292.582
                  Bioc .                     Ton*   27,771  38,153  22,040  5.471  M&2    835
                  Seeds ...                                 2,705  2.401  50,239  29.553  24,705
                  Wheat ....................  Tons   2,734  Mil     1.753  25315  15,671  20.236
                  Wheat FUatr                        1.127                        7,723.  6,420
                  Other grains                                             7*i«

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