Page 517 - 1 Persian Trade rep Bahrain 1_Neat
P. 517

                                 TABLE C 1.—IMPORTS —ion'tlt.
     Toul value of Imports Lrora Principal countries into Bahrain Islands during the years 1921-22 \6
                                     1923-24—cone W.         _____  __
                                              Quantitt             Vai.ce
      ARTICLES 4!<D COUNTRIES filOH tniicn INr-.crrr.D
                                       1921-22  1022-23  1923-24  1021-22  1922-23  1923-24
       Coir and Rope—                                          £     £      £
        Arab CoAat                                                    100
        B**ra                                                          10      6
        India                                                 [4.048  9,757  5.577
      Y>ate Juice, Arab Coast     Tins    900                  137
       Drugs a  ud Medkinoa—
        Arab Coast                                             133     43     254
        Ba>r*                                                          61     73
        India ' -                                              987   2.307  3.847
        Persia                                                 G29    881     868
       Jlsberdnshcry and Hosiery
        Arab Coast                                                            29
        Basra ...                                              400     14     41
        India .   .   .                                       3,920  3.423  2,162
       Hardwnro and Cutlery—
        Arab Coast            •.                                        6      7
        Basra                                          • •.            35     444
        India                                                 11,440  5,505  12,138
        Persia                                                         92     31
        England .                                                            1,750
       Hides and Skins—
        Arab Coast                                             400    334    1,127
        Basra                                                                  4
        India                                                         258     531
        Persia ....                                                    11
       Household Gotda—
        Arab Coast ...                                        2.400   752    1,199
        Basra ....                                             120     871   1.639
        India ....                                            4.149  5,957  10,397
        Persia ....                                           10.933  093     312
       Mats and Mat Bags, Arab Coast                            67
       Machinery, Persia                               • a                    93
        Arab Coast              Cases                   106     80     62     636
        Basra                                            20                   120
        India                                           4-52   927   2.684  2,724
        Persia .                  H                       \    403    200      6
        Arab Coast                                             160     83     83
        Basra                                                                 70
        India                                                 2.047  1,671  <•003
        Persia                                                 887   1,931  *-672
        Arab Coast                                           14,656  15,973  >2.770
        Basra                                                 1,527   731   2494
        England .                                                     366
        India                                                  787   1,606
        Persia                                                 367    380
      Motor Cars—
        India                                            19                 2460
        England .             a                          2                  U33
      Motor Accessories—
        India  w                                                     1,196   205
        Basra.. ...                                                   267    393
      Motor Launches—
        Basra ...                                        12
        England ...                                      1
      Kcycles, India .                                   5
      Articles not mentioned abor
        Arab Coast            a                               2,700          tn
        Basra .  4            4                               1,760
        India                                                 8,267         IJUS
        Persia .  a                                           1,261   308    28d
                                        •».                               1,711.686
   512   513   514   515   516   517   518   519   520   521   522