Page 518 - 1 Persian Trade rep Bahrain 1_Neat
P. 518

                                              TABLE A n-EXPORTS.

                                   CoDTTKin                 1021-21       1922-23       1923-24

                                                              £             £             £
                     Arab CoMt                               405,083       374,075       351,726
                     Bwn                                       6.514         7,009         1,605
                     England                                                  433
                     India .                                  71.540       444.441       479.39*
                     Tenia .                                  07,518        34,031        55,816
                                               Totix.        651,015        800,589      8SS^39
                     Increase in 1922-23 over 1921-22        309.574     50-2 per cent*
                     Increase in 1923-24 over 1922-23         27.950     3*2 per cent.

                                                 TABLE B II—EXPORTS.
                     Total Exports of Principal Articles from Bahrain during the years 1921-22 to 1923-24.
                                                             QCASTTTT               Talus
                                                       1921-22  1922-23  1923-24  1921-22  1922-23  1923-24

                                                                              £       £      £
                     Building Material)
                      Timber and Wood                                           66     295    375
                      Other Material* .   .   •                                866     678    564
                      Rice.......................................  Tons  15,040  15.051  13.CS7  260,681  215,063  166,937
                      Seed* ....                                               236     30   8.02*
                      Wheat ....                         ,328    939    846  21.655  8,124
                      Wheat Floor                W        121    30     312   3,589    2S8  3.624
                      Other graine                                            1,384    858
                     Dyeing and Colouring Materials                            180     60     166
                     Fuel—                                                             47     120
                      Charcoal ....                                            107           *49
                      Firewood ....                                            337    101
                     Oila—                                                                  4,470
                      Kero sine ....            GU      11,649  72,620  101.672  3,539  4,159
                      Petrol ....                                       400          6^968  L642
                      Other oila ....                                          394
                     Pearl*, shell*, tpede, etc.—                                   334.993  433,507
                      Pearl* ....                                            63,393  1,339  1,034
                      Pearls, Mother oI   •   .                                               3*
                      Shark Fins ...                                                   63     35
                      Shell* ....                                             1,284  85,534  26.320
                      Specie ....
                    Provisions—                                                     *4.847  *8,053
                      Coffee ....               Bafi*   6,020  5,648   4*208  20,895  621   *,720
                      Fish. Dried                                             6,636  *4,268  18^75
                      Fruits, Data* •   •                                      461    282    601
                      Fruits, other sorts                                     3,783  3,470  8.826
                      Ghee .   •                da.      124          11.716  2,000  2,450  1,445
                     Bogu—                                                            190    22*
                       Candy •                  Bag*     624                 24,474  4,651  12,901
                       Loaf   •                 Ton*                                21.290  35.633
                       Soft                                                   6,806  10.065  18.613
                     Tea ,                       m       100                   609     80    293
                      Vegetables .                                            2.472  1,008  2,855
                     All other kinds .

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