Page 519 - 1 Persian Trade rep Bahrain 1_Neat
P. 519
Total Expert* of Principal Articles from Bahrain during the years 1921-22 to 1923-21—concld.
Quaxtitt Valvu
1921-22 1922-23 19*23-24 1921-22 1922-23 1923-24
Textile* And Fabric*— £ £ £
Apparel, Wearing 400 93 100
Cotton Good* ... 79,588 95.362 87.194
SailCloth .... 73
Silk good* .... 25.500 820 695
Silver and Gold thread 900
Twitit and Yarn . . 1,279 1,021
Wool and Woollen good* 1,494 88
Carpets .... 100
China, Earthen and Glassware 1.406 867
Coir and Rope . 1.130 867
prugs and Medicines . 381 1,000
Haberdashery and Horiery . 798
Hardware arid Cutlery 3,564 1.435 2,508
Hides and Sidra . 999 263 1,826
Household goods 518 813 2,690
Matches .... 431 1,452 1,590
Mats and Mat Rags 146
Perfumery .... 1.300 670 1,032
Tobacco .... 3,531 1,257 4,488
Cars .... S 720
Accessories 00
Articles not speeded a bora . 3,977 1,528 1,548
Total 838,539
Total value of Exports to Principal Countries from the Bahrain Islands during the years 1921*22
to 1923-24.
Quaxtot Valtjb
Articles axd Coustkes to which kxtoktxd
1921-22 1922-23 1923-24 1921-22 1922-23 1923-24
i £ f
Building Materials—.
Timber and Wood—
Arab Coast 66 266 363
Persia . ,
Other Materials— 12
Arab Coast 826 663 627
Persia . , 40 15
Cereal*— 37
Arab Coast Tons 12,806 14^20 12.423 |£215,987 209,610
Basra 58 7 2 1,016 10S 158.299
Persia , 2,176 918 662 43,679 6,444 29
—I__. 8.629
Arab Coast 236 30
Persia . 142