Page 520 - 1 Persian Trade rep Bahrain 1_Neat
P. 520


                                               TABLE C II—EXPORTS—con/<L
                      Total value of Export* to Principal Countrin from tie Bahrain Itland* during the years 1921-2Z
                                                     to 1923-24—con/d.

                                                              QcAicnrr               Vaura
                        Articles axd Cocumi E3 TO WHICH KrpOHTSD
                                                        1921-22  1922-21  1923-24  1921-22  102223   1923-It

                                                                                £      £      £

                        Arab Coart               Tons     1,012   934    842   11,7.55  8»0CT  8.578
                         Hava                              40    •y*    v       039
                         Persia                   »»       207     6      4    8.961    57     41
                       Who at Klo-ur—                                               ;
                         Arab Coast               99       109     23    312   3.219
                         Persia                            12      7            370     277   3.024
                       Other grains—                                                    H
                         Arab Ccait......................................      1,074  I  847  1,875
                         Persia................................................  310    11     43
                      Dyeing and Coliuring Mjt-sriaJs, Arab Coast               167  I  no     ICO
                         Arab Coast                                             107     47     83
                        Persia                                                                 37-
                       Eire wo —
                         Arab Oast                                              337     101    215
                         Persia                                                                 4
                        Arab Coast                Cl*.   10,598  W-og  94.000  3,171   3.9JJ  4.087
                         Persia                           1,031  3,924  7.012   3^8     216    3St
                       Petrol, Arab Coast                                400                   62
                       Other Oil
                        Arab Coast                                              317    0,895  1,595
                        Persia ...                                               75     73     47
                      Pearls, Shells, Specie, etc.—                  '
                       PearL% India                                            03,393  334.99:3  433,507
                       Fear a, Motler of—
                        .India          •»                                              90*   1.034-
                        England                                                         433
                       Shark fin.-*. Lidia                                                     32
                       Sheila, India . • .                                     1,284    53     35
                        India .                                                       S3.C0.7  26,320
                         Basra .                                                       1.SG7
                       CoS                                             (B*p«)
                        Arab Coast               Cwta    4,800   5,587  4.188  20,201  24^63  27,929
                         Bqcra                            220                   687
                         Persia .                              Cwta 61  Bags 20   7     230    1».
                       Fish, Dried—                      •r
                         Arab Coast                                             727     VA    2.640
                         Basra  •-                                               40
                         Persia                                                   7     19     80
                        * Arab Coast* •                                                 128   1.610
                        India  •   »                                           5,944  23.621  10,328
                        Persia                                                  592     319   til
                       Other sorts of fruit*—
                        Arab Coast                                              201   • •     451
                        Persia »   •                                            100     242    it-
                        Arab Coast *             Gla.    4.108   7,088  11.708  3,709  3.430  M** 4
                                                           10             8      14
   515   516   517   518   519   520   521   522   523   524   525