Page 532 - 1 Persian Trade rep Bahrain 1_Neat
P. 532

                                         TABLE C-I—IMPORTS—con/d.
                Total value of Imports from Principal Countries into Bi\hrein Islands during the years 1922-23 to
                                                1921-25—con ttL
                                                         QCAMIfg               Valus
                 Articles ajt» Countries rnox wnicn doubted
                                                   1922-23   191324  1924-25  1922-23  1923-24  1924-25
                Provisions—ro*iJL.                                        £      £
                 Fish, Dried—                                                            £
                  Arab Coast .                                            1,090  2,851  3,018
                  Basra .                                                         105
                  India .                                                  320
                  Penda .   .                                              018   1,218  1,384
                 Fruits, Dates—
                  Arab Co.*st .                                          31,032  31,041  21.481
                  Basra .   .                                             5.339         2,415
                  Persia .                                                2,757         1,375
                  Turkey .                                                              1,405
                 Fruits, <-the* sorts—
                  Arab Coast                                                3           10,505
                  Basra .                                                   4           2,532
                  India .                                                  736          7,737
                  Persia .                                                1,687         2,785
                  Africa .                                                                31
                  Turkey .                                                               407
                 Cbes ■
                  Africa .                  Cala.                   90                    65
                  Arab C-nast .                     12.570  21,KM   80,190  6,835  10,739  46,080
                  Basra .                    rt     83.518  7S.SM  33,172  20,954  28,885  12,208
                  India .                             76            152                  109
                  Persia .                          13,670  1.06  2,736           650   1,236
                  Turkey .                   99 99                 4,428                2,415
                  Arab Coast .                                                   1,311  3,196
                  Basra .                                                          2
                  India .                                                       11,861  28,362
                  Persia .                                                        143    857
                 Sugar Candy, India                                                     1,508
                 8 igar, Loal—
                  India .                                                               17,460
                  Persia .
                  Arab Coast .
                  Basra .
                  Belgium     r             *
                  Turkey .
                 Sugar, Soft—
                  Arab Coast .              Too*       D     11
                  Basra                                       1      2                    35
                  India .                           2.758  3.142                       114,413
                  Persia ,                             4     38
                  Arab Coast .   r                     1    241  cases 28                 75
                  Basra .     9                       5     226      7                    74
                  India .                            262   8,723 esse 82,907            2*256
                              4                        1     77
                  Turkey .   ,                                   cases 2                  18
                  Arab Cosat r                                                          • *
                  Basra .     r
                  TnHia .  r  f
                  Persia .  r  t                                                          83
                  Africa .                                                               138
                 Provision* ci sPiae aoet*—   t                                         1,485
                  Arab Coast •  »                   •r                                   270
                  Persia                                                                 Ol
   527   528   529   530   531   532   533   534   535   536   537