Page 536 - 1 Persian Trade rep Bahrain 1_Neat
P. 536

                                         TABLE B-II—EXPORTS—coni/.
                       EmjH-rii of Principal Article* from Bahrein during the years 1922-23 to 1924-25—conld.

                                                         QuiSTtrr              Valc*
                             A BTKI.K7
                                                  1922 03  1023 24  1924-23  1922-23  1923-24  1924-23
               !*»'•» t-i'XlA                                             £       £      £
                 Fnilu -
                  I >«Ui   .                                              24.2M  18.378  18.213
                  * aorta                                             2b2    501   1.3)1
                •Jhee                        Gala.  7.&06  11.710  15,100  3.470  5,826  9.102
                 Ejdrr* y                                                  2,430  1,415  10.328
                                                               (  t<>na 14
                  t’awdy .                    Baga    81         baga lU  }  190   222    329
                                                            - \
                  Lai                        Toil*  2.713    360  tons 439   4.531  12.901  21.912
                  E4t                                 •^47  1.2H3  1.668  21,290  35.G33  00.941
               Tea............................................................  129  140  161  10,063  18,513  24.S*Hi
               Vricrfaliltn   .   .   .                                            293     62
               AU -.LW ku*la   .                                           I/rf>6  2,833
               Tl'Uih and Fabrica—
                 Al'ian-I, \V««rinf(   .   ,                                93     WO    1.796
                I M|;..n Goods .   .                                      95.3*2  87,194  82.933
                Sail f 1'ilh   .                                            73           1.810
                Mil if'Nids .   .   .                                      620          34.343
                J*ih*r mid G*iI«1 Thread   .
       and Tam                                             1.521
                 XV...I and W—lIrnO.KKla .                                  b9
                (>r|*'U        .     .  .                                  lori
                 <, Knrdien and UlmwvaR                              $07
                l'"j and IS •I'r .                                         867
                 Dni(i aud Mfdiduoa .   .   .                             1.00*
                 llalrfTduAbrrr and Hosiery .                              798
                 Hardware and Cutlery   .   .                             1.433
                 fl/Jrs and SVioi   •   .   .                              2i 3
                 II- uK'Indd i}*jod»   ,   .   .                           813
                 Matehra .   .   .   .   .                                1,452
                 J'«rf winery   .   .                                      670
                T* baceo .....                                            1.237
                  Can ................................................  6  18
                  Acoeaa^iea .
                 Af tick's u>-t apccifled a bo re   ,                     1.528
                                        Total                                         1.325,244
                                           TABLE C-'B—EXPORTS.
                Tstal yalua of Exports to Principal Countries from the Bahrein Islands during the years 1522-23
                                                 to 1924-25.
                                                         Qcajttttt             Valus
                  Annex** abo Couxrsfn to wjocs xxtobtso
                                                  19(22-23  1923-24  1924-25  1922-23  1923 24  1924-25
               BwtUim MAWtiala-                                                          l
                Tlajla r amd Wood—                                       t       l
                  Arab Cu**t                                              265     363    1.056
                  F.t-Ia .                                                         12    - re
                Oikuw MauHsU—
                  Aral»C*««t .                                            663     627     5*3
                  FerdA .                                                  15     37      563

   531   532   533   534   535   536   537   538   539   540   541