Page 538 - 1 Persian Trade rep Bahrain 1_Neat
P. 538
Total value of Export! to Principal Countriei from the Bahrein Islands during the yeas 1922-23
to 1924-2S—<onld.
Quastitt Value
Articles and Countries to wsicu ExroiuLD
1922-23 1923-24 1924-25 1922-23 1923-24 1924-25
£ £ £
Provide ns—
Arab Coast . . Cwts. 5,587 4,188 4.445 24.5G3 27,920 40.G18
Pair* . 278 2,397
Persia . Cwt*. 61 bags 20 60 280 ’*133 728
Fish. Dried—
Arab Coast _ 502 2,010 1,896
Perua . 19 80
Arab Coast 128 1.610 4,306
Lidia ... 23,621 10,326 12,562
Persia. 319 439 279
Africa. G42
Basra. 310
Aden. 136
Olicr sorts of Fruits—
Arab Cu*et 409 1.034
Persia 242 32 240
India. 7
Arab Coast . . Gals. 7,688 11.70S 14.576 3,420 5.822 8,891
Persia . 8 524 4 271
Arab Coast . 2,271 1,344
Ptrsia . 179 101
■Bu-iTA .
Sagir Candy—
Arab Coast . bags 78 tons 6 tons 14 187 198 486
Persia . 3 ton 1 bags 10 3 24 43
cwt. 1
Sagar, Loaf—
Arab Coast „ 1.346 tons 49 tons 90 2,299 1.851 3.664
Persia . „ 1,367 311 334 2,252 11,030 17,954
Basra . 15 194
Segv, Soft— 9% 41.952
Arab Coast . . Tons 640 635 1,136 13,765 19,531 18,764
Persia . . 3»96 54-8 528 7.506 1G.102
Basra . 1 2 19 125
T« 1.636
Arab Coast . . Tons 19 5€ 32 1,220 7,370 500
Basra . . 56 cwta. » 2 4,195 357
Persia . 54 83-12 111 4,650 10,786 21.010
Toritev 6 1,651
Vegeta bj< 20
Arab Coast , 80 289 4 42
Basra .
All other kisda— 6,236
Arab Coast • 910 2.770
Basra • • 7 85 333
Persia . 82
Textiles and Fabric*—
Wearing Apptwh 100 1J052
Arab Coast . 63 671
India . . .. 40 120
Persia . ' 37
London -g 10
Taritey. rai.-.j8