Page 539 - 1 Persian Trade rep Bahrain 1_Neat
P. 539
Total value ol Exports to Principal Countries from the Bahrein Islands during the years 1922-23
to 1924-25—conld.
Qoaktitt Vacce
ACtlCt.ES AND COUNTRIES to wuicu EiroutEo
1922-23 1923-21 1924-23 1922-23 1923-24 192 4-25
Textile, and Fabricr—could £ £ £
C'Alon Good*— 82,343 80,345 74.477
Arab Coast ... 43
lUsra .... 208 1H3 83
India ....
P«t>ia .... 12.121 6,010 7.870
Turkey ....
Sail Cloth— 1.810
Arab Coast . . • 73
Siik and .Silk Pusce-gooda— 33.116
Anb Coast ... 820 585
Persia .... 1,397
Silver and Cold 'Thread— 3.621
Arab Coast ... 330
Twist and Yam— 1.875 3*29
Arab Coast ... 837
Bava .... 431
I^idia .... 120 20
Per-ia .... 113 01 137
WVJ and Woollea Goods— 49
Arab Coast ... 103
India .... 88 244 204
Persia .... 40 29
Carpets— 100
India .... 100
Clii.-ia. Earthen aa*d Glassware—
Arab Coast . . • 840 475 1,775
Basra . . . . 530 32
Persia . . . 27 81 273
Coir and Rope— 2^00
Arab Coast . . . 801 1,303
Persia . . . . 0 91 114
Ir.-dia .... 246
Druis and Mcdkuoe*—
Arab Coast . . . 920 734 1,079
Persia . . . . 80 6
Haberdashery anti Hosiory—
Ar ab Coast . . . 795 630 3,743
Persia . . . . , 3 78 097
Basra . . . . 12
Hardware and Cutlery -
Anb Coast . • • . 1,420
India . . . . 10
Persia . . . . , 6
Hides sod Skins—
Arab Coast . . 90 253 30
India • • • . . 153 1.270 . 1,916
Persia ; ...... • 20 78 43
Basra . . . . , 225 685
Household Goods—
Arab Coast . . , 649 2^67 3.078
Basra , . . 113 67 93
India . . . . 3 33 122
Persia . . . . 48 223 377
Arab Coast 205 1,624 1,379 1.584 745
Persia . 11 64 73 66 130