Page 323 - Life & Land Use on the Bahrain Islands (Curtis E Larsen)
P. 323
75. Ali, (484), ( ), ( ); 87. Near Magsha village, (495),
non diagnostic Islamic site. ( ), ( ); identified as
Bronze age in Danish records,
76. Al-Hajjar, (485), ( ), probably Barbar period.
( ); Hellenistic graves,
no collection recorded. 88. Location unknown, (496),
( ), ( ); no data.
77. Diraz, (485), ( ), ( );
10th-14th centuries A.D. 89. West coastal plain, (497),
( ), ( ); identified as
78. Southwest coastal plain, Bronze age in Danish records,
(486), ( ), ( ); this probably Barbar period.
site shows evidence for Group
D flint, Akkadian ?, Barbar I, 90. Jebel ad-Dukhan, (498),
and Barbar n settlement. It ( ), ( ); non diagnostic
may also be recorded as site flint site.
979 in the Danish record.
91. Jebel ad-Dukhan, (499),
79. Southwest coastal plain, ( ), ( ); non diagnostic
(487), ( ), ( ); non flint site.
diagnostic flint collection with
a 15th-16th century Islamic 92. Jid Ali, (500), ( ), ( );
overlay. 15th-16th centuries A.D.
80. Zellaq road near Dar Chulaib, 93. Southwest coastal plain, (501),
(488), ( ), (SS—2); Barbar ( ), ( ); 13th century A.D.
II and 13th-17th century
Islamic ceramics. 94. Mattala, (502), ( ), ( );
non diagnostic flint site.
81. Dar Chulaib, (489), ( ),
(DC-1); 13th-16th centuries A.D. 95. Mattala, (503), (2066), ( );
non diagnostic flints with
82. Sar village, (490), (2004), Islamic materials from the
( ); 13th-16th centuries A.D. 14th-17th centuries A.D.
83. West coastal plain, (491), 96. Southeast coastal plain, (504),
( ), ( ); defined as ( ), ( ); 13th-17th
Islamic in the Danish catalog, centuries A.D.
no collection available.
97. Al-Wasmiyah, (505), (2053),
84. Ain Sakhara, (492), ( ), (W&-1); non diagnostic flint,
( ); 11th—13th centuries A.D. Barbar II, and 15th-17th
centuries A.D.
85. Ain Sakhara, (493), ( ),
( ); Barbar n. 98. Sar, (506), ( ), ( );
non diagnostic flints and
86. Magsha village, (495), ( ), Islamic ceramics from the
( ); 15th-17th centuries A.D. llth-17th centuries A.D.