Page 326 - Life & Land Use on the Bahrain Islands (Curtis E Larsen)
P. 326
144. Qala’at al-Bahrain, excavation 156. Janusan (north), ( ), (2011),
within the Portuguese fort, ( ); Parthian as well as
(984), ( ), ( ), 15th- lOth-llth century A.D. Islamic
17th centuries A.D. occupations.
145. North coastal plain, (985), 157. Janusan (south), ( ), (2012),
( ), ( ); tomb along ( ), listed as medieval and
Budaiya road and identified as later.
Mast T-158, 1st millennium B.C.
158. Magsha village (south), ( ),
146. Qala’at al-Bahrain, (519-21), (2013), ( ); 16th century
(2001), ( ); British A.D. through modern occupations.
Expedition identification for
the sites at the qala'at, Pre 159. Janusan ( ), (2014-18),
Barbar through 18th century A.D., ( ); early 1st millennium
excluding the Early Islamic. A.D. tombs.
147. Daih village, ( ), (2002), 160. Barbar village (Si), ( ),
( ); 15th-18th centuries A.D. (2019), ( ); late medieval
Islamic site.
148. Jid Hafs (south), ( ),
(2003), ( ); various tombs, 161. Barbar village (Sii), ( ),
no collections made. (2020), (TG-1); Barbar H,
Early and medieval Islamic
149. Sar village (south), ( ), occupations.
(2004), ( ); 11th—14th
centuries A.D. 162. Barbar village (southwest)
( ), (2021), ( );
150. Kawara, ( ), (2005), ( ); Barbar period and medieval
Late Islamic occupation. Islamic occupations.
151. Bilad al-Qadim, ( ), (2006), 163. Diraz (west), ( ), (2022),
( ); Barbar period and 10th ( ); Late Islamic mosque.
century A.D. through modern.
164. Diraz (west), ( ), (2023),
152. Marzawan (north), ( ), (2007), ( ); 14th century A.D.
( ); 12th-17th centuries A.D. through modern occupations.
153. Daih village (east), ( ), 164a Kuraiya (north), ( ),
(2008), ( ); 16th century A.D. (2024), ( ); 14th century
through modern occupations. through modern occupations.
154. Ras al-Qala’a (west), ( ), 165. Diraz (west), ( ), (2025),
(2009), ( ); 14th century ( ); described simply as
through modern occupations. Islamic in British reports,
probably similar to 2023.
155. Mosjid al-Jami, ( ), (2010),
( ); 14th-17th centuries A.D. 166. Ali, ( ), (2026), ( );
medieval Islamic building
built on Barbar period mound.