Page 121 - Bahrain Gov Annual Reports (IV)_Neat
P. 121


                          HEDD HOSPITAL IN-PATIENTS
                Normal Labour                                      27
                Abortions                                           1
                Total.....................................         28
                Infants born alive                                 25
                Infants still born                                  2
                Infants dying in first ten days of life
                Maternal Deaths                                    Nil
                Deaths in Abortion cases                           Nil

                                MENTAL HOSPITAL

                Six female patients have received medical treatment and nursing during the year.
             Medical Work In Girls’ Schools
                Number of girls examined medically                1,070
                Number of girls vaccinated                         298
                Number of treatments given in school             3.173
                Number of blood tests                              21
                Number of dental treatments                        23

                               LABORATORY TESTS
                Total number of tests ..                         4.143
                Urine tests                                        441
                Stools examined                                    564
                Sputum examined                                    54
             Blood Tests
                   Hb per cent.                                    306
                   R. B. C....................                     136
                   W. B. C..................                       881
                   Differential Counts                             187
                   Slides for Malaria                              97
                   Kahn's Test                                    890
                   Widal’s Test                                    30
                   Sedimentation Rates, etc                        52
                Gyna:cological.—Slides                             376
                            V.D. C-.ises                          253
                Bacteriological Cultures                           128
                Bio. Chemical Tests ..                              9
                Miscellaneous ..                                   45
   116   117   118   119   120   121   122   123   124   125   126