Page 122 - Bahrain Gov Annual Reports (IV)_Neat
P. 122


                                                        Boys’ Schools

                                       (From the report of Mr. Ahmed A1 Umran, Director of Education.)
                           SCHOOL STATISTICS :
                                                                        Number of Boys.
                                                                    i st Term   2nd Term
                                 Infants :
                                    Manama East Primary School     I30')
                                    Manama West Primary School     234          79l
                                    Muharraq Primary School        287 >1,169  45*
                                    Hedd Primary School......................  243  129  r 9*8
                                    Muharraq Infants' School
                                                                   275 J       259 J
                                 Prlipary :
                                   East Primary School......................  132
                                   West Primary School......................  1181 639  170
                                   Muharraq School ......................  287  29711.192
                                   Hedd School...................................
                                                                  102          145 J
                                Secondary School ........................
                                                                       122          125
                                Village Schools
                                   East Rafaa .................................
                                   West Rafaa.................................  109l  IOO
                                   Budeya............................................  72
                                   Sitra............................................  1,6 Y 457  120  r 550
                                   Khamis............................................  118  112
                                                                  "4 J         i46j
                                                                      2.387       2,785
                                   Foreign Teachers
                                                                       32           40
                                   Bahrain Teachers
                                                                        64          80
                                                                       96          120

                         Muharraq School It ” u* * Sch°°ls' II ,s ProPosed in 1369 to add more class rooms to the
                         schools if all H k "°U   ° C°UrSC’ bc Poss,blc t0 accept all the boys who apply for entrance to the
                         “chool ‘ 7 °VCrCr°LWding Were d,srcgarded- At present many of the lower classes in the
                         should This sit »* ^ 7^ Ch,ldren’thc h,8hcr cIasses. however, do not contain as many boys as they
                          nBahrain"Z   l         “ ,0n* » therc is » urgent demand for semi-educated youths both
                         hhhtrTu^n fn',g 8 C°UntriCS* 11 was found ** in spite of the incentive of scholarships for
                         Station           mCn thC SCC°ndary Sch°01 vo,uatccrcd t0 ^ter the Teachers
                         boys in the schnnl • ° CCOnUng leacbcrs ,n tbe Government schools. The question of accepting more
                         easily provided than ** w °nC W*UC*1 dcpcnd3 uPon accommodation only, accommodation can be more
                         East countries • in v U* •   tcach,n8- This is a problem not only in Bahrain but in most Middle
                                                                                  are being engaged
                                                men who arc suitable or desirous of teaching in the schools in their
                             Out of the 120 school teachers employed by the Bahrain Government in the boys’ schools, 40 were
                        foreigners; these included 20 Egyptians, xo Palestinians, 5 Syrians, 3 Indians and 2 Lebanese.
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