Page 56 - Bahrain Gov Annual Reports (IV)_Neat
P. 56
office is open to all official departments but it will be some time before this organisation can fulfil
its proper functions as it is being built up by stages.
(Report by Mr. G. B. Thompson, Government Oil Inspector.)
Bahrain Production.—During 1367 (1948) the production from the Island of Bahrain was
further increased and the steady rate of progress is indicated by the quantity of oil on which royalty
is payable:—
1363 1944 818,006 Tons
1364 1945 900,165 Tons
1365 1946 993.899 Tons
1366 1947 1,190,319 Tons
1387 1948 i.392.50i Tons
Work on the deep well continued during the year and Geophysical work commenced in surround-
ing areas.
Arabian Crude.-The quantity of Arabian crude used in the refinery continued to increase
and the supplies received by pipeline were augmented by supplies brought over by tankers.
Refinery. Increased throughout in the refinery was mainly due to alterations to existing
thennextdyea°nal ^ * "°W thU C°UrSe °f ereCti°n and should be brou6ht into operation during
Shipping.—The storage of stocks of finished products for shipping was improved by the
completion of several new storage tanks at Sitra. Other tanks are still in the process of erection and
a considerable increase in capacity is planned.
Cargo Inspection.—The total amount of work of this nature remained about the same as in
1366, although the month of July was outstanding, when 30 ships involving 65 parcels and 382. 01
tons of oil products were dealt with out of a total record shipment of some 5,054,000 Bbls.
Staff.—Mr. R. J. Ward, assisted by Mr. M. P. Robinson took over the duties of Oil Inspector
for three months during the absence of Mr. Thompson on leave.
The year 1 6 P Y ^ ^ H,1!S’ °fficer in charSe of PubIic Works.)
being far higher than in any previous vear rT ^Ubllc ^orks Department, the amount of work done
rather serious falling-off then occurred due tip^ "T CSpeciaI1>r Sood durinS the first eight months.
stores from the United Kingdom which au l l "" ’’IeaVC and sickness' a"d d^yarrivaI of
the last month of the year there wa* an ; ^ USUaI slackenin&of the daily rateof labour. During
working at high pressure. ,mprovement and the year ended with the department again
being the long term planning policy hSed possibIe by several factors, the chief of these
o( major works ", the advantages derived f V lu* Government >n 1365 which ensured a continuity
the new site, which made for farcreator the centra,,'sation of the P.W.D. offices and stores on
reasonably adequate amount of motor tn 1CICnCy and econ°niy; the possession, for the first time, of a
Officer in charge in 1366 Mr A T Rev™ an^P°rt' and the fact that during his short term of office as
* y had ,nst,Ilcd a new spirit of keenness and drive into the whole