Page 176 - The Persian Gulf Historical Summaries (1907-1953) Vol III_Neat
P. 176


                              Agreement to a company registered in any of the countries of the
                              Agrceme'I68 th* ^r0V1^ct^ ^le Company accepts the Political
                        (iii) In *.hc exercise of their right of pre-emption under Article 13 of the Political
                              Agreement, Her Majesty’s Government will allow the Company to fufil
                              their obligations under Articles 15 and 16 of the Concession Agreement.

                    Letter, dated December 2, 1950, from the Political Agent, Bahrain, to the Ruler
                          of Abu Dhabi, requesting the latter’s acceptance of the Political Agreement
                          relating to the Superior Oil Company’s Concession which was terminated
                          in 1952
                        I have the honour to state that His Majesty's Government have been furnished
                   with a copy of the Agreement signed by you on 2nd December, 1950, granting
                   to the Superior Oil Company of California an Oil Concession in respect of the
                   sea-bed sub-soil lying beneath the high seas of the Persian Gulf contiguous to the
                   territorial waters of Abu Dhabi.
                       2.  Under instructions from His Majesty’s Government 1 now enclose a copy
                   of an Agreement which has been concluded between His Majesty’s Government
                   and the Superior Oil Company of California in London on the 15th April, 1950.
                       3.  It is desirable that there should be a clear understanding as to the position
                   which would arise in certain eventualities in connection with these two agreements.
                   I am therefore to request that you will let me have a reply to this letter confirming
                   your agreement to the arrangements set out below:
                       (1)  Should any of the terms of the agreement between you and the Company
                             be inconsistent with, or conflicting with, the terms of the Agreement
                             between the Company and His Majesty’s Govemrrtent signed on the
                             15th April, 1950, the agreement between you and the Company will,
                             to the extent of any such conflict or inconsistency, be subordinate to
                             and controlled by the terms of the Agreement between the Company
                             and His Majesty’s Government.
                       (2)  Should it be necessary, under the terms of Clause 16* of the Agreement
                             between the Company and His Majesty’s Government for His Majesty’s
                             Government to request you to terminate your agreement with the
                             Company you will undertake to accept the advice of His Majesty’s
                             Government in this respect.
                       (3)  You will undertake, for the purpose of paragraph two, Article 9t, of the
                             Agreement between you and the Company not to designate a bank
                             outside the Sterling area without the approval of His Majesty’s
                       (4)  Upon receipt of your confirmation that you understand and agree to these
                             arrangements, the Company will be informed accordingly and you will
                             be notified of His Majesty’s Government’s approval of your agreement
                             with the Company.


                   Letter, dated March 9, 1953, from the Ruler of Abu Dhabi to the Political Officer,
                     Trucial Coast, conveying his acceptance of the conditions mentioned in (c)

                  ‘1 as those mentioned in the Political Agent Bahrain s letter C/TC-68 dated
                  OnH^hpoember 1950 regarding my concession agreement with the Superior Oil
                  Comm and the Political Agreement between His Majesty's Government and
                  the Superior Oil Company.
                                                                 f Article 9 in No. 3.
                            * Clause 15 in No. 4.
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