Page 191 - The Persian Gulf Historical Summaries (1907-1953) Vol III_Neat
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         reasonable rights and facilities for his operations under this Agreement including
         (but not thereby limited to): —
             (i)  the right to build, construct, maintain, operate and use all sorts of buildings,
                  installations, communications and transport systems, and engineering
                  works of every description,
             (ii)  the right to construct new roads for motor and general traffic and to make
                  use of existing roads or tracks free of charge or taxes of any kind,
            (iii)  to use free of all payments to the Shaikh any stone, sand, gravel, lime,
                  gypsum, clay or water that may be available and may be required for
                  his operations provided always that the inhabitants of Dubai, and
                  Petroleum Concessions Ltd., and its successors in title shall not be
                  deprived of their usual requirements of those materials, that irrigation
                  is not prejudiced, that no land, habitation or watering place for animals
                  is deprived of a reasonable supply of water and that the water supply
                  of the inhabitants is not endangered and that none of the Substances
                  taken under this Article shall be exported by the Concessionaire.
            (b)  In the event that any land in Dubai required by the Concessionaire belongs
        to a private individual or company the Shaikh will lend every reasonable assistance
        to the Concessionaire to enable him to acquire for his use such land at prices ruling
        for similar lands in the district.
            (c)  The Concessionaire shall under normal conditions accept and transmit free
        of charge on his wireless and telegraph installations such of the Shaikh’s messages
        as will not interfere with the Concessionaire’s business, and in times of national
        emergency the Shaikh shall have the necessary use free of charge of the Con­
        cessionaire’s wireless and telegraph installations and railways for Governmental

                                      Article 10
            (a)  The Concessionaire shall have the right to purchase at current market
        rates fuel, water, food, building and constructional materials and other supplies
        of every kind in connexion with his operations hereunder.
            (b)  The Concessionaire shall employ Subjects of the Shaikh as far as possible
        for all work for which they are suited under the supervision of the Concessionaire’s
        skilled employees, but if the local supply of labour should in the judgment of
        the Concessionaire be inadequate or unsuitable the Concessionaire shall have the
        right to import labour, preference being given to labourers from neighbouring Arab
        countries who will obey the local laws. The Concessionaire shall also have the
        right to import skilled and technical employees. The Concessionaire shall pay
        to the workmen he employs a fair wage, such wage to be decided by the Con­
        cessionaire at the time the workmen are engaged.
            Further, the fact of the Concessionaire employing Subjects of the Shaikh shall
        not in any way whatever alter the status of such employees in respect of their rights,
        privileges and duties as Subjects of the Shaikh, and such employees will remain—
        in all ways—subject to the jurisdiction of the laws and under the legal authority
        of the Shaikh, in his capacity as Shaikh of Dubai.

                                      Article 11
            The Shaikh shall give to the Concessionaire and his employees and property
        all protection in his power from theft, highway robbery, assault, wilful damage
        and destruction, and the Concessionaire may appoint in consultation with the
        Shaikh and himself pay trustworthy guards who shall at all times be Subjects of
        the Shaikh unless the Shaikh permits otherwise to assist in protecting the property
        of the Concessionaire and his employees. The Concessionaire shall provide at
        his own expense suitable accommodation for such guards.

                                      Article 12
            In measuring the Substances for purposes of royalty the factor for conversion
        of the volume of oil into weight shall be such figure as may be determined and
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