Page 194 - The Persian Gulf Historical Summaries (1907-1953) Vol III_Neat
P. 194

                    the request of the other party be designated by the British Political Resident in the
                    Persian Gulf In the event of the arbitrators failing to agree within sixty days
                    after being chosen or designated the British Political Resident in the Persian Gulf
                    may appoint a referee at the request of the arbitrators or cither of them. The
                    parties hereby agree that if either of them shall request the British Political Resident
                    in the Persian Gulf to appoint an arbitrator or a referee they will on request by
                    the said British Political Resident each deposit with him (or secure the payment
                    to his satisfaction) one moiety of such sum as the said British Political Resident
                    shall specify as provision for the fees payable to such arbitrator or referee for his
                        (c)  The decision of the arbitrators, or in a case of difference of opinion between
                    them, the decision of the referee shall be final and binding upon both parties.
                        (d)  In giving a decision the arbitrators or the referee shall specify an adequate
                    period of delay during which the party against whom the decision is given shall
                   conform to the decision and that party shall be in default only if that party has
                    failed to conform to the decision prior to the expiry of that period and not
                        (e)  The place of arbitration shall be such as may be agreed by the parties and
                   in default of agreement shall be London.
                                                  Article 21
                       The Concessionaire shall make all payments that become due to the Shaikh
                   under this Agreement in sterling into the Shaikh’s account at the British Bank of
                   the Middle East, Dubai, or such other Bank as the Shaikh may from time to time
                   specify, and the Bank’s receipt shall be a full discharge for the Concessionaire in
                   respect to the payment of the sum stated in the Bank’s receipt. It is agreed that
                   so long as the Exchange Control Act 1947 of the United Kingdom or any enact­
                   ment replacing it shall be in force the Bank so specified by the Shaikh shall be a
                   Bank within the Scheduled Territories as defined by regulations made under that
                                                  Article 22
                       This Agreement is written in English and translated into Arabic. If there
                   should at any time be disagreement as to the meaning or interpretation of any
                   clause in this Agreement the English text shall prevail.
                       In witness whereof the parties to this Agreement have set their hands the Day
                   and Year first above written.
                       And God is Gracious.
                           SA’ID BIN MAKTUM,                        G. HESELDIN,
                                          The Shaikh.                  The Concessionaire.
                    (Signed and Sealed)                   (Signed)
                        In the presence of                  In the presence of
                          JOHN G. B. COULSON,                   N. P. PROUDFOOT,
                                             Solicitor.                          Solicitor.

                                                    No. 8
                   Political Agreement between Her Majesty’s Government and Mr. George
                         Heseldin, regarding the Off-shore Oil Concession granted to the former by
                         the Ruler of Dubai on August 7, 1952, dated December 1, 1952
                       This Agreement dated the first day of December one thousand nine hundred
                   and fifty-two, is made between Her Majesty’s Government in the United Kingdom
                   of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (hereinafter called “ Her Majesty’s Govern­
                   ment ”) of the one part and George Heseldin (hereinafter called “ the
                   “Concessionaire” which expression shall, in Articles 3 to 15 of this Agreement
                   and the Schedule hereto, include his successors in title and any subsidiary or
                   ooerating company to which any obligation or benefit of the concession may be
                   transferred or which may be created in connexion with the operation of the
                   concession) of the other part.
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