Page 260 - The Persian Gulf Historical Summaries (1907-1953) Vol III_Neat
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                 in any such appliance, such error shall—if the Sultan so decides after hearing the
                 Company s explanation—be considered to have existed for Three (3) Calendar
                  Months previous to the discovery thereof or from the last occasion of examining
                 the same in ease such occasion shall be within such period of Three Calendar
                  Months and the Royalty shall be adjusted accordingly. If the Company should
                 hnd it necessary to alter, repair or replace any measuring appliances it shall give
                 reasonable notice to the Sultan or his representative to enable a representative of
                 the Sultan to be present during such alteration, repair or replacement.
                     The Company shall keep full and correct records of all measurements as afore­
                 said and the said representative of the Sultan shall have access at all reasonable
                 times to such records and shall be at liberty to make extracts from them. Such
                 records shall be treated as confidential by the Sultan and his representative.

                                                Article 19
                     (a)  The Company shall have the right at any time after the expiry of three
                 years from the date of signature as mentioned in Article 6 of this Agreement to
                 give the Sultan six months’ notice in writing of its intention to terminate this
                 Agreement and this Agreement shall absolutely determine on the date fixed for
                 such termination in such notice.
                     (b)  If such notice be given not later than 30 years after the date of such
                 signature the Company shall be entitled on such determination to remove free of
                 all taxes and duties all plant building stores material and property of every sort
                 provided that for a period of three months from the receipt of such notice the
                 Sultan may purchase—should he so desire—the same at a price equal to the replace­
                 ment value of that date less depreciation which price shall be agreed or failing
                 agreement settled under Article 26 hereof.
                     (c)  If such notice be given later than 30 years after the date of such signature
                 all the property aforesaid shall become the property of the Sultan free of all cost.

                                                Article 20
                     On the expiry of this Agreement at the end of the period of Seventy-five Years
                 provided in Article 2 or any extension or renewal of that period all the movable and
                 immovable property of the Company in the Leased Area shall be handed over to
                 the Sultan free of cost. Producing wells or borings at the time of such expiry
                 shall be handed over in reasonably good order and repair.

                                                Article 21
                     Subject to the provisions of Article 24 hereof the Sultan shall have the right
                 to terminate this Agreement and to take without payment all the property of the
                 Company in the Leased Area if—
                     (a)  The Company shall fail to make any of the payments prescribed in this
                           Agreement within 6 months of the date on which they fall due, or
                     (b)  The Company shall be in default in respect of an arbitration award under
                           Article 26 hereof.
                                                Article 22
                     Nothing in this Agreement shall be read as restricting in any way the right of
                 the Sultan to grant to other parties concessions or permits for materials other than
                the Substances as defined in Article 3 provided that the operations and rights
                of the Company hereunder are not thereby injuriously affected.
                     If the Sultan should at any date subsequent to the date of signature ot this
                Agreement grant to any other parties concessions or permits as aforesaid the
                Sultan undertakes that such concessions shall contain provisions requiring the
                holders thereof to abstain from damaging, impeding or interfering with the
                firciFierty^operations^arKlsHiterest^o^the Company.          sulphur and

                    or the like which may be discovered by the Company shall be reported to the
                Sultan and shall not be worked by the Company except under special concession
                or permit from the Sultan.
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