Page 262 - The Persian Gulf Historical Summaries (1907-1953) Vol III_Neat
P. 262
for Ihc’purposc oTthisTtic™ l° in WriUl18 anolher Ba'lk °r Banks
Article 28
, This ^Sreement is written in English and translated into Arabic. If there
should at any time be disagreement as to the meaning or interpretation of
clause in this Agreement the English text shall prevail. any
and Year'flrs^abov^writlen*:-—'eS ‘° Agrccmcnt have sel lheir hands ‘he Day
And God is Gracious.
The Company
(Sgd.) B. H. Lermitte. The Sultan
(Sgd.) Sa’id bin Taimur.
In the presence of In the presence of
(Sgd.) R. P. Watts, (Sgd.) R. P. Watts,
Political Agent & Political Agent &
H.B.M.’s Consul. H.B.M.’s Consul.
Amendments dated June 24, 1937, to Five Articles of the Above Agreement
Article 8
1. Fortified areas or areas occupied by forts or barracks to be excepted.
Article 11
2.—(6) The importation by the Company or- its employees of firearms and
other weapons is prohibited, except with the written permission of the Sultan.
Article 23
3. The Sultan agrees hereby that the Company may transfer the obligations
and benefits of this Agreement to a British Company to be called “ Petroleum
Development (Oman and Dhofar) Limited ” or to any direct subsidiary company
registered within the British Empire.
4. All cars and lorries landed in the Muscat and Oman and Dhufar areas
will pay a tax of rupees thirty-five per year per vehicle.
Drivers licence fees are Rupees ten, renewable every second year for Rupees
Article 26
5. —(e) The place of arbitration shall be such as may be agreed by the parties
and in default of agreement shall be Muscat.
6. In the event of any of the Company’s employees—whether he be a senior
or junior employee—committing an offence which may cause disorder or interfere
with the moral or religious laws or interfere with the politics or Subjects of the
Sultanate or excite them to sedition then the Sultan may apply to the Company
to send the person concerned—if a foreigner—out of the Sultanate, but if a subject
of the Sultan then the Sultan may arrest the culprit and deal with him according
to the laws of the Sultanate. . , . .
7 Employees of the Company shall not sell or give alcoholic drinks or
liquors to the Subjects of the Sultan or to the Subjects of adjoining rulers who
may Th^imporfation'of1 alcohoHc^drfnks or liquors is for the use of their foreign
employees only.