Page 180 - PERSIAN 2 1879_1883_Neat
P. 180
Purchase of Mules in Persia.
Major Probyn, whose operations were referred to in report for tho
previous year, completed them in May 1880, having* obtained 1,715 mules
and five yaboos from Persia and Turkish Arabia from November to
May. Of this number, 852 were selected by Mr. Preece, Superintendent
of Telegraph at Shiraz, and 100 by Dr. Brcreton at Baghdad. Major
Probyu himself visited Shiraz, Baghdad, aud Shush ter.
In September the Government of Bombay telegraphed to the
Resident to purchase 186 mules for mountain batteries. The standard
for these mules was fixed at thirteen bands two inches minimum height
with sixty inches girth, and one inch additional girth for every additional
inch of height. The assistance of Mr. Preecc was again obtained, and
that officer purchased 174 mules by November at an average cost per
mule on board-ship of Rupees 300 nearly (including three casualties).
Subsequently the order was increased to a total of 231 and two yaboos,
and as Mr. Preece was proceeding on leave, a contract was effected with
a Persian banker of Shiraz to supply the balance of fifty-seven mules
and two yaboos in Bushire by December. A large percentage of the
first lot of mules were found when measured in India under standard,
and the later arrivals were strictly measured by Captain Maclvor, and
large numbers of those sent down from Shiraz were rejected and thrown
back on the contractor’s hands. Finally with the sanction of Govern
ment a slight concession was made as to standard, and the number
completed in April. The average cost of these fifty-seven mules on board-
ship was Rupees 2S6 nearly. Forty-five per cent, of those purchased
were fourteen bauds and over in height.
The great difficulty experienced on this occasion was partly owing to
the large number previously purchased, and partly to unfavorable season.
Had a qualified olficer been available for deputation to Shush ter districts,
probably bettor results would have been obtained, but Captain Maclvor,
the only competent judge, could not be spared.
Busiiire, (Sd.) E. C. Ross, Lieul.-Col.j
The May 1881. } Besident, Persian Gulf.