Page 219 - PERSIAN 2 1879_1883_Neat
P. 219

residency and muscat political agency for 1880-81.    49

                  Thirdly.—Fast’ng, wlucli consists in keeping the fast of Ramadhrfn,
              uitli sobriety and abnegation, and in all things attending to what is laid
              down, and abstaining from all that is forbidden by God and Ilis Prophet,
              with knowledge of the proper rites.

                  Fourthly.—Pilgrimage to the holy house of God for those who are
              in a position to perform it* with the enjoined conditions, namely,
              abstaining from sin, tarrying .on 'Arafdt, visiting the temple, and making
              the circuit, and throwing the stonea.f
                  These rites must be accompanied by understanding of the obliga­
              tions t and laws of the pilgrimage, such as making atonement for
              slaying of garnej or the cutting down of trees.
                              Religious Precepts and Laws.
                 Generally it is necess’ary to observe the precepts of the Kor^n as to
              gifts to relations and parental piety, and acting righteously and avoiding
              evil. Also as to the Jekdd or warring against infidels and rendering
              their dues to kinsfolk, way-farers, &c.   Instituted observances and
              civil laws must be attended to, including abstinence from the flesh of
              swine, from drinking of wine, or other intoxicating liquor; also abstain­
              ing from food or apparel forbidden by the Kor£n.
                       *            *             *            *
                 It is forbidden to wail, beat the face, rend the garments, or tear the
              hair, in grief. It is forbidden to make pilgrimage to tbe tomb of any
             sn\v the Prophet. Women arc forbidden to adorn themselves for any but
             their husbands, saving tbe wearing of a finger-ring and anointing tbe
             e\«-s with collvrinm. It is incumbent to salute the faithful and return
             their salute. Silkeu clothes and gold are forbidden to men. In fine, the
             believer must avoid all that God has forbidden, whether mentioned or
                 It is essential to be free from tbe error of those who hold that good
             and evil  are of God, and that all sins are capable of expiation.||

                • Auongvt Uj« IbidbU a person must have amused sufficient for expenses and on*
                s ordiusrj expenditure in addition, before making tbe pilgrimage.
                t In Mins V«Uej tbe pilgrim throws three stones tjpical of Abraham, driving away
             5,1111 »oQgbt to tempt kirn. .
                X The five chief points to be obeerved are :—
                   !• Tbe spirit or Intention.
                  2- Prajing on Mount ’Arefit.
                   3.  Shaving in Mina Vallej..
                   4.  Circuit of tbe temple.
                  6. Banning aeven times from Safi to Merwi.
                {After donning tbe lb rim or pilgrim's drees, tbe pilgrim mast kill no game, and not
              ** the vermin on their bodies under peoaltj of eipiatory offering*.
                ii On tbi* point tbe Ibidbis differ from Swudtea.
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