Page 225 - PERSIAN 2 1879_1883_Neat
P. 225
residency and muscat political aobncy foe 1S80-S1. 55
In each place the fish caught at one season of the year arc quite
different to those caught at another season. For instance, in the Bushire
filing grounds the fish most commonly caught in the hot weather are:
« Kofar/ * Sha'arec/ 4 Khuboor/ * Kh&mar/ * Jesh/ 4 Daghcc/ 4 Kardoos/
* Ilahva Sufeyd/ 4 Biyah/ &c., while those caught in the cold weather
are: *Sang-i-Sar/ 4 Sha'am/ * Um-Edhreys/ 4 Shccrmahi/ * Ilamoor/
‘ Haloed/ 4 Kashgoo/ 4 Ilalwa Siyah/ 4 Kliahad/ 4 Metoot/ &c.
Boa fa used for faking,—The boats used by the fishermen in the
Gulf are the following:—
4 Baggarah/ with a crew from four to eight and up to twenty men.
4 Bated/ crew eight to fifteen men.
‘Mashwa/ crew two to eight men.
4 Boom/a boat used at Koweit and the Islands of Araayir, crew
six to eight men.
4Sliowee/ used at Bahrain, Kateef, and Koweit, crew two to eight
4 Badan/ used at Muscat, three to five men.
4 Jalee Boat/ used at Island of Karg, crew four to eight men.
4 Hoora/ or in Persian 4 Warjee’ or 4Shash/ a small boat or rather
raft (catamaran), being a frame-work of date sticks filled with
the euds of the sticks (Tapool), crew one to two men.
These hcoras or catamarans are often completely under water, but
are said to be very safe (quite life-boats in fact), and can pul to sea in
extremely rough weather when most of the other bouts could not live.
MorJea of f thing.—Fishing is carried on in the Gulf by nets (Arabic
4Lcekh/ Persian, 4 Dam'), the 4 Hidra'or 4 Iladhrah' (fishing stakes),
4 Gargoori (fishing basket), hook (Arabic 4 Meodar/ Persian 4 Kulab*), and
lineand spears or harpoons (Arabic and Persian, Kawar,). The nets
used are the following
[ SaliyaV or 4 Dakeek/ a cast net, circular, with lead weights round
the circumference, cast from the mau’s shoulder iu shallowish water and
then drawn up from the centre to which a string is attached. The fish
usually caught are: 4 Meyd/ 4 Biyah/ 4 Sha’ara/ 4 Goaf/ 4 Yenera/
4 Batan/ 4 Gurgafan/ 4 Mutabilu/ 4 Badh/ 4 Chaschoos/ This net is used
all the year round.
4 Karoof9 or 4 Shibak/ a net about twenty yards long with meshes
ox one-fourth to half an inch, two or more are fastened together and
placed in a bag form in shallow water when men beat the water up to
the net driving the fish into it. The same kinds of fish are caught as in
the * Saliyah/ This net is usually fished in the hot weather and both bjr
day and night.
. ‘Jaroof* or 4Yaroof* also called 4 Shibak/ a similar net to the
Karoof/ but a little longer and the meshes l) to 2 inches. It is used
10 i .u^ 0Qe-half fathom water, twenty or thirty are joined together
paid out in a long line from a boat and taken up again in from two