Page 412 - PERSIAN 2 1879_1883_Neat
P. 412


                            6.  The two months* truce between the Beni-boo-Ali and the Beni-
                        boo-Hassan having expired, the former, having given the stipulated five
                        days* notice, attacked the latter at Jowabi-el-Khoweysck. The loss of
                        life in this action was heavy, the Beni-boo-Ali losing 60 men, and the
                        Beni-boo-Hassan 75. The Beni-boo-Hassan were completely routed and
                        dispersed, and took refuge in the tower called Bui z-el-Khoweyseb, The
                        numbers engaged ou both sides were not exactly known, but it appears
                        that the Bern boo-Ali were aided by the Jenebeh, Beni Itasid, aud
                        Hishim tribes, whilst the Beni-boo-IIassan fought alone.
                            7.  At the commencement of July, an increased tax, or octroi of 5
                        per cent., was established by His Highness Seyyid Toorkee on all produce
                        arriving from the interior. The former tax on the various articles of pro­
                        duce varied from about 1 £ to 2 J per cent., and was included in the general
                        lease granted to the farmer of customs. The increased tax was purchased
                        for the year for $i5;000. His Highness Seyyid Toorkee was strongly dis­
                        suaded by Seyyid Hilal-bin-Ahmed and other influential persons in Mus­
                        cat from establishing this tax, and was advised to reduce his expenditure
                        rather than exasperate the tribes by an increased tax on their goods.
                        His Highness, who was in great want of money, did not take this advice,
                        but carried out his plans.
                           8.  In July Shaikh Suleiman-bin-Saeed was murdered at Seheleh by
                        the Beni Saeed, and a few days after a servant of His Highness was
                        killed by a party of the Beni Naeen; the object of both these murders was
                        political, as both the tribes were on bad terras with His Highness and
                        were threatening to attack Sohar ; but on the arrival of His Highness’s
                        yacht Dar-el-Salatn at that port with stores and ammunitions for the
                        garrison, they abandoned their design.
                           9.  The marriage of Seyyid Feysel, the second son of the Sultan,
                        with his cousin Aleyeb, the daughter of the late Seyyid Thoweynee,  was
                        celebrated on the 6th August, and on the I5th idem His Highness enter­
                        tained all Europeans at dinner in honour of the event. On the 22nd of
                        August, His Highness Seyyid Toorkee proceeded in Her Majesty’s ship
                        Woodlark to Gwadar for change of air.
                           10.  From July to September disquieting rumours prevailed regard­
                        ing a coalition of the tribes under Shaikh Saleh-bin-Ali against Muscat,
                        but owing to disagreements amongst the leaders it all fell through. His
                        Highness Seyyid Toorkee returned from Gwadar on 19th September.
                           11.  On 24-th October news arrived that the fort of Nakal bad been
                       taken by the Theel-Zaribeb. His Highness Seyyid Toorkee left for Bur-
                       ka immediately, with the intention of collecting a force to re-capture it;
                       but on his arrival there he found that, through the mediation of Mahom-
                       ed-bin-Zenanee Shaikh, of the Beni Hadram tribe, the enemy had with­
                       drawn on receiving $500. His Highness paid this sum, and after mak­
                       ing some presents to the headmen of Nakal returned to Muscat on 1st
                       November. From 2nd to 7th November His Highness the Saltan was
                       ill, and was constantly attended by the Civil Surgeon, Dr. Jayakar. ^
                           12.  On the evening of 25th November a Banian was assassinated in
                       the streets of Muttra, and the murderer escaped. Suspicion fell on the
                       “Wahnbee garrison, but the Sultan has entirely failed to trace the

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