Page 529 - PERSIAN 2 1879_1883_Neat
P. 529
TABLE No 27.
Contrasted Statement showing the value and description of goods imported
into the ports of the Oman Coast, in the Persian Gulf, during the
gears 1880 and 1831.
For the yearn
Incrc.vo in in
Class. 1881. 1S81.
1890. 1881.
Animals, Living 6,260 6,810 560
Apparel, Wearing . . 6,500 5,950 • •• 650
Arms and Ammunition • 21,000 16,510 6,390
Beads and Amber • n
Bunks and Printed Matter 1,600 750 SoO
Building Materials . 1,500 1,500
Candles .... 1,500 1,100 400
Canes and Rattans .
Canvas .... 8,000 8*170 170 •••
Cattle .... 2,000 2,000
Clocks and Watches • 1,500 1,170 330
Coal .... • ••
Cocoanuts 2.000 3*250 1,250
Coffee .... 69.000 47,900 11,100
Coir and Coir-ropo 7.000 13,500 *6*600
Con feetionery Preserves . 3,500 4,820 1,320
Cotton Goods . 41,500 84,880 43,380
Thread and Twist 19.000 10,090 8,910
Cotton, Paw ... 8.000 9,150 *i*150
Dates .... 3.91,000 71,680 3,19,320
Date-jnico 10.000 1,000 9,000
Drugs and Medicines 8,300 14,910 6,610
Dyeing and Colouring Material 4,200 5,680 1,480
Earthen-ware ... 300 790 490
Fruits and Vegetables 19,000 20,780 1,780
Fuel .... 3.000 6,200 2,200 • ••
Furniture ... 2.000 6,800 4,800
Glass and Glass-ware 1,800 800 1,000
Gold Embroidered Cloth • 6,000 6,300 300
Gold Lace ... 500 600
Gold Thread, &o. 2,000 2,000
Grain and Pulse 8,82,000 7,03,300 1,78,700
Hardware and Cutlery . 9.000 6,400 3,600
Hides and Skins . 800 800
Indigo .... 1*0,000 11,100 1,100
Jute, Raw ... 2.000 3,600 1,600 •••
Do.f Manufacture* of •««
Leather, Manufactures of . 4.400 700 • •• • a*
Lemons, Dry . 15,000 8,000 7.000
Lemon-juice 1,000 300 700
Liquors, Wines and Spirits •«.
Lucifers . . . # 600 1,300 800
Mat* .... 14,000 7,050 6,950
Metals .... 21,400 20,100 1,300
Mill-stones «... 400 400