Page 530 - PERSIAN 2 1879_1883_Neat
P. 530


                       Contrasted Statement showing the value and description of goods imported
                           into the ports of the Oman Coast, in the Persian Gulf% during the
                           gears 1680 and 1881—concluded.

                                                          For tho year*    i
                                                                         Increase in   Decrease fa
                                                                           1881.     188 L
                                                        1880.    1831.

                      Oil.................................  26,700  29,100  2,400
                      Opium ....                          600     • ••      • ••       600
                       Paints and Colours •               400               • ••       400
                       Pearls .                        1,90,000   • ••      • ••    i,90,000
                      Perfumery •                        6,200    9.100     2,900
                      Porcelain and China-ware           3,000    2,600                 600
                      Provisions and Oilman’s Stores    17,000    11,000    • ••      6,000
                      Salt    ....                      • • •     2.800     2,800     • ••
                      Saltpetre ....                     2,500    2.100                400
                      Seeds   ....                       5,0o0    4,900                 100
                      Shark Fins                        • ••
                      Shells, Mother-of- Pearl          • ••                          • ••
                      Silk, Haw                          1,500    2,200      700      • ••
                        Do., Manufactures of •          16,000   13,760               1,260
                      Spices   .                        13,600   18,700     6,100
                      Stationery                         1,000      810                 190
                      Sugarcandy ...                     2,000    2,600      600
                        Do.,  Crushed                    6,000                        6,000
                         Do., Loaf. .                    2,000    2,400      400
                         Do.,  Soft .                 1,44,000   29,900             1,14,100
                      Tallow                             6,000    8,200     3,200     • ••
                      Tea                                 700       600                200
                      Tobacco .                                   7,600     *£600
                        Do.; Manufactures of              600                          600
                      Timber and. Wood .                48,000   26.700              21,300
                      Wax, Bees*                        • ••
                      Wool .      .   .                 11,000    li’,600             9,600
                      Woollen Goods .                   16,900   17.700     1,800    • ••
                      Other kinds                                                     • ••

                                           Total •   21,11,160  13,07,900  1,07,990  9,11,240
                                           Specie     6,80,000  13,66,000  6,76,000  •••

                                    Giand Total      27,91,160  26,62,900  7,82,990  9,11,240
   525   526   527   528   529   530   531   532   533   534   535