Page 537 - PERSIAN 2 1879_1883_Neat
P. 537
Estimate for the year 1881-82.
Articles. Quantity. in To what place.
Dates, Pressed 110,000 bags. 400.000 India, Yemen, and America.
Do., Dry . 40.000 „ 200.000 India*
Do., Black . . 15.000 „ 10,000 Do.
Date-juice . • 1,000 skins. 2,000 Do.
Fruits . • 20,000 Do.
Dried Limes . 500 hags. 9.000 Persian Gulf.
Raisins (Zebecb) . 500 >i 2.000 India and Yemen.
Plums . 8 it 90 India.
Almonds . • 100 n 800 Do.
Walnuts 50 250 Do.
Tamarind 500 baskets. 1.500 Persian Gulf and BusraK
Fish . 15,000 in No. 3.000 India and Mauritius.
Do., Small, for manure 500 bags. 2.500 India.
Do., Sounds • 100 it 1,500- Do.
Shark Fins . 150 5.000 Do.
Pearls . 80,000- Do.
Mother-of-Pearl 400 bass. 16,000 Do.
Cotton . 500 bales. 15,000 Do.
Do., Fabrics 300 boxes. 150,000 Zanzibar.
Do., Seeds . 500 bags. 1.000 India.
Rose Leaves . 200 „ 800 Yemen.
Do., Water • 1.000 karabas 1,CC0 India, Zanzibar, & Singapore.
Pomegranate Skins 25 bales. 100 India.
Henna . . 25 „ 250 Persian Gulf and Busrab.
Opium . 25 boxes. 12,500 Zanzibar.
Wheat . • ; 5.000 bags. 15,000 Persian Gulf and Busrah.
Rice . • 2.000 „ 6,000 Do. do.
Jo wares. 1,000 kandies 10,(XX) Mekran Coast.
Barley . 500 bags. 1,000 Do. and Busrah.
Moong .
Ghee 100 dubbas. 2,000 Singapore and Mauritius.
Sugar . 1.000 bags. 18,000 Yemen.
Salt 8.000 loads. 16,000 India, Zanzibar, & Singapore.
Red Ochre 300 »» 600 India.
1,000 Busrah and Persian GulC
100 bags. 900 India.
Assafcetida . 10 skins. 400 Do.
Garlic • 25 bags. 100 Zanzibar.
Musk . . 16 bottles. 500 Persian Gulf.
Aloes, Wood . 10 boxes. 3.000 Do.
Incense . . 160 „ 2.000 Do,
Shunna • 100 bales. 400 Do.
Aloes . » , 700 skins. 4,000 India.
Senna-leaves . 100 bags. 250 Do, and Persia.
Dragoon’s blood 100 pots. 1,500 Do,
Buclr Bud , 2,000 bales. 8,000 Yemen.
Reed Pens 150 bundles 4,000 India.