Page 539 - PERSIAN 2 1879_1883_Neat
P. 539


                         Estimate for the year 1881-82.

        Prom            Articles.            Quantity.    Value In  Bxxaub.

             Barley .                       1,000 bags.     2,000
              Rico, Bengal                150,000 „       400,000
              Do., Malabar                   200 mooras.      600
              I)o., Red «                    700 bags.      1,700
             Wheat                           200 „            600
             Bajri .                         700 „          1,500
             J owari                        4,200 „         6,000
              Dhall                         1,500 „         2,100
             Sugar                          6,000 „        60,000
             Sugarcandy                       125 boxes.    1,500
             J agree                          160             650
             Coffee                         1,500           15,000
             Tea .     •
              Pepper •                        400 bags.     6,000
             Turmeric .                       800 „         3.000
             Cardamoms.                        40 boxes.    4.000
             Cinnamon •                       400 „         3,200
             Ginger, Dry                       22 mooras.     300
             Nutmegs .                         15 bags.       400
              Betelnuts •                      30             250
             Cocoanuts, Fresh              10.000 in No.      160
                 Do.,   Dry                   200 bags.       800
              Tamarind .                      400 baskets.    800
              Monkey-nuts                   1,000 bags.     3.000
         -5   Musk.    •   .   •               50 bottles.   1,200
              Aloes, Wood                      30 boxes.    9.000
              Frankincense                     25 „         4.000
             Sandal-wood Chips                 30 kandies.    900
             Camphor .                          8 boxes.      300
             Gooraccoo •   •   •              160 pipes.      750
             Cotton, Damaged                1.000 bales.      900
               Do., Stuff   •   •           1,500 „        150,000
              Do., Cloth                      400 ft        60,000
             Turkey Red     .   •              40 boxes.    4.000
             Handkerchiefs, Coloured           10 *          1,200
             Chintz •      •                   25 *          3.000
             Twist •   •   •   .            1,000 bales.    75,000
             Sewing Cotton  .                                 500
             Broadcloth    •   •               25 bolts.     1,000
             Shawls and Loongees .            150 in No.     2,000
             Silk .        .   .              100 bales.    26,000
             Do. Goods •   •   •              125 „         30,000
             Gold Thread   •   •              600 tolas,     2,800
             Hemp ,        •   .            1,800 coils.    7,000
             Twine.    •                       20 bundles.    140
             Gunnies                           20 bales.     1,600
             Rope, Coir .   .                 150 kandies.   2,700
             Copper                           800 pieces.    1,200
             Tin and Lead   •   .             600 „          6,000
             Steel .   .       #               60 casks.      260
             Brass ,   ,   .                  160 pieces.     650
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