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                       hold tlio government of Mohammerah and districts, his elder brother
                       Mohammed being- in detention at Ispahan. '

                                            7. Persian Beloociiistan.
                          27.  The districts of Persian Beloochistan are under the immediate
                       control of the Governor of Bampore, who is 6uhordinatc to the Goveruor
                       of ICirman. In May it was reported that the well-known General
                       Ibrahim Khan had been dismissed, and one VVali Khan appointed to suc­
                       ceed him. Later in the year Suleiman Khan superseded Wuli Khan.
                       Numerous changes took place in the governments of minor districts,
                       which were thrown into considerable confusion in consequence.
                          28.  Representations having been made to the Persian Government
                      regarding the plunder of British Indian traders in Dashtyaree by Meer
                      Hoosain Khan of Sirbaz, a Persian official was deputed to institute enqui­
                      ries. This official appears to have made some promises of obtaining
                      compensation for the traders; but, as usual in such cases, the mission
                      resulted in nothing further, and the matter was again brought to the
                      notice of the Persian Government by Her Majesty's Minister. His Royal
                       Highness the Nasir-cd-Dowlah, Deputy Governor of Kii man, being about
                      to make an official tour in Bcloochistan, was instructed to lake up these
                      claims. The case was laid before him by Major Mockler on special duty
                      at Charbar. The question is still under discussion.
                          29.  It was reported in September that a British Indian had been
                       murdered in Balio by one Abdur Nubbee, who subsequently went into
                       ICelat Territory. This ease is still unsettled.
                          30.  The local and hereditary chiefs of Baho and Dashtyaree were
                      during the year removed from their governments, and, after being
                      harshly treated aud .fined, reinstated, the reasons have not transpired,
                      but, as far as can be s'-en, the object of the Persiau officials is to get as
                      much money out of each candidate for power in turn as possible.
                          31.  In consequence of renewed outrages by the Rind tribe, Major
                      Mockler was deputed to the Mekran coast to make enquiries.
                          32.  Iu January his Highness Seyyid Toorkeo paid a visit to
                      Gwadur, the garrison of which place was subsequently increased by 80
                                                 8. Bassidore.
                          33. Assistant Surgeon Abdur-Raheem, Khan Bahadur, who had
                      charge of Bassidore for a period of about 14 years, having beeu appointed
                      Native Assistant to the Resident, Persian Gulf, was relieved from Bas­
                      sidore in August. The station has become so unhealthy from malarious
                      fever that it is decided, with approval of the Government of India, to
                      remove the guard of Bombay infantry hitherto stationed there.

                                               Official Changes.
                          84. Surgeon D. R. Ross was on privilege leave of absence from llth
                      July to 10th October 1882.                     i
                         35. Lieutenant-Colonel E. C. Ross proceeded on privilege leave on 11th
                      July, and having been recalled from Aden, resumed ebargoon 8th August
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