Page 264 - The Origins of the United Arab Emirates_Neat
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230 /'hr Origins of the United Arab Emirates
Mani* leave the area entirely; Mani‘ wen t to Bombay on 24 April,
leaving his family behind in Buraimi.
55- L/P&S/i2/3827, PZ6973/39, Political Resident to India Office, 6 Nov
*939 (telegram).
36. An interesting postscript to the career or Mani* bin Rashid is disclosed
by the existence of a detailed map in Arabic of the pearl banks
from Ru’us al-Jibal to Qatar; this was published in Bombay in July
194° and is by Mani4 himself. A note on the map makes reference
to his own career in pearl fisheries and his need then for a good
map. (Available in R/15/1/616.)
1. L/P&S/12/3747, PZ4113/38, Political Resident to Government of India,
23 May 1938.
2. Here it must be noted that the deliberate isolation of the Coast from
any outside influence made it simpler to take such drastic action;
it could be reasonably assumed that no word of the bombardments
would reach beyond official circles in London and Delhi.
3. L/P&S/t 1 /195, P1343/21 (P1599/22), Political Resident to Government
of India, 25 Feb 1922.
4. Ibid.
5. Ibid., P1343/21 (P2867/22), Political Resident to Government of India,
it May 1922.
6. R/15/6/239, Political Resident to Government of India, 2 May 1925.
7. Ibid.
8. This amount Pridcaux promised to return if Hamad freed the slave
9. L/P&S/18, B419, ‘Future Policy on the Trucial Coast’ (P6406/29,
Political Resident to Government of India, 5 Sep 1929).
10. L/P&S/12/1966, PZ1815/33, proceedings of Commandcr-in-Chicf East
Indies, 15-16 Dee 1932 (extract).
L/P&S/12/3626, P6741/29, Political Resident to Government of India,
4 Aug 1929.
12. Ibid., P8047/29, Political Resident to Government of India, 24 Aug
13. A copy of the declaration of independence is available in R/15/1/276.
14. This was the figure quoted by Khalid bin Ahmad in 1924 (ibid.,
Khalid bin Ahmad to Political Resident (Prideaux), 25 Rabi* 11 1343
(24 Nov 1924)). It was also the figure reported to Barrett in 1929
(L/P&S/18, B419: see above, note 9).
15. Ibid.
16. R/15/1/279, Political Resident to Senior Naval Officer, 17 July 1926.
17. L/P&S/18, B419: see above, note 9.
18. L/P&S/12/3626, PZ5015/32, Political Agent Kuwait to Government
of India, 4 Aug *93* (extract). . __
19. R/15/1/277, Commander of HMS Crocus to Senior Naval Officer, 29
Nov 1929*
20. Ibid., Senior Naval Officer to Political Resident, 18 Dee 1929.
21. The nearest telegraphic facilities were at Bahrain.