Page 286 - The Origins of the United Arab Emirates_Neat
P. 286

252             The Origins oj the United Arab Emirates
                   I he following files were the most useful for this study:

                   Slave Trade: vols 199-234
                   Arab Coast and Islands: vols 239-94
                   Arab Coast Miscellaneous
                  Judicial: vols 295-312
                   Bahrain: vols 314-77
                   Muscat: vols 408-47
                   Kuwait: vols 478-85, 513-49

                 Rji$\2 Bahrain Political Agency

                 The Agency at Bahrain had three separate offices: the Confidential
                 Office, the English Office and the Vernacular Office. The files
                 of the Confidential Office were based on a subject-file system:
                 each subject was given a number and each file on the subject
                 a part number. The files are organised at the India Office Records
                 according to the three different methods of classification used, at
                 different times, at the Agency. The groups are as follows: 1899-1921,
                 files R/15/2/1-72; 1921-32, files R/15/2/73—138; and 1932-50, files
                 R/15/2/139-916. The English Office files (R/15/2/946-1823) run from
                 1907 to 1950 and are organised on the same basic principles as
                 the Confidential Office files (i.e. by subject). The Vernacular Office
                 files (R/15/2/1824-1980) contain two different kinds of correspon­
                 dence: first, consular and judicial; and, second, translations of docu­
                 ments sent and received by the Agency.
                   For the present study, the most valuable files from the different
                 offices were those in the following subject groups:

                   Political Administration
                   Bahrain State
                   Saudi Relations
                   Trucial Coast
                   Arab Coast
                   Royal Air Force
                   Saudi Arabia
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