Page 150 - Arabian Studies (I)
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134                                                A rabian Studies I

                     33.  Michaclis,Recueil,Tab. IX.
                     34.  My italics.
                     35.  ‘Die Involutio in arabischen Schriftwesen’, Sitzungsberichte dor
                   Philosopisch-Historischen Classe der Kaiserliehcn Akadcmie dor Wissenschaften,
                   CXXXV, Article V, 8-9.
                     36.  E. Combe, J. Sauvaget and G. Wict (cd.), Repertoire C/tronologique
                   d’EpigraphieArabe, Cairo 1937, VIII, 238-9, no. 3124.
                     37.  A. Grohmann, ‘The Origin and early development of floriated Kufic\/lrs
                   Oriental  is, II, 1957, 191.
                     38.  Cf. Slimane-Mostafa Zbliss, Corpus des Inscriptions Arabe de Tunisie,
                   Inscriptions de Tunis etdc saBanlieue,Tunis 1955,65-6, Plate XXVII, No. 31.
                     39.  Cf. M. van Berchem, Materiaux pour un CoipusInscriptionum Arabicarum,
                   Paris, 1903, Pt. I (Egypte), 72, No. 45 and Plate II, No. 2.
                     40.  Cf. G. Wiet, Catalogue General du Musee Arabe du Caire, Cairo, 1939,
                   VI, 130, No. 2721/1102 and Plate XXXVI, 2332.
                     41.  E.g. particularly in the alif-ldm, cf. zVkiram of AB and al-hijjah of BC;
                   also nVnuislimina of AB and al-muslimfna of DE.
                     42.  Cf. E. Littmann, Syria, Div. IV Semitic Inscriptions, Sec. D. Arabic
                   Inscriptions, 54, No. 60.
                     43.  I am indebted to Dr R. Lewcock with whom l have been able to discuss
                   the structure of the cistern and who made a number of suggestions to improve
                   my description of it.
                     44.  E.g. Simt, f. 47b et passim
                     45.  E.g. cUqud, IV, 80.
                     46.  E.g. cUqiid, IV, 136.
                     47.  Su?it, f. 47b.
                     48.  Simt, f. 57a.
                     49.  Simt, f. 75b et passim.
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