Page 12 - Travels in Arabia (Vol 2)_Neat
P. 12
Killing sharks .... 240
Their tenaciousness oflifc 241
Sea lawyers ..... 242
Importance of the various slicrms—Steam vessels . 245 I
Caution to Mariners .... 246
Intluence of winds on the currents of Red Sea 247
Climate ..... 250 !
Diseases ..... 252 1
General appearance of inhabitants . 255
Habitations .... 257
Arms—HuteVmi tribe .... 258
Arrival of pilgrims at Jiddah . 2G4
Number to each boat .... 265
Mode of sailing .... 266
Arrival at Jiddah .... 268
Aggregate number of pilgrims . 270
Natural and commercial productions at Jiddah—Corn
trade .... . 271—8
Description of the town 279
Political events 284
Curious method of discovering buried treasure 289
Steam communication with India—Anticipated benefits 290
Rail-road from Cairo to Suez 294
Mode of passing the Desert with passengers 295
The Euphrates expedition 297
Colonel Chesney—Lieut. Lynch 298
Observations on the Euphrates’ route 299
Red Sea always navigable 300
Prevalent winds 301
Hints for navigating a steam vessel in the voyage from
India ..... 303
Socotra .... . 304
Description of vessel .... 305
Supply of fuel, &c. .... 306
Conclusion of Eastern survey—Cape Nose 308
Isle St. John .... 309
Singular excavations .... 310