Page 9 - Travels in Arabia (Vol 2)_Neat
P. 9
Described by Jewish Rabbi 40
Game ..... 5*2
Bedowin encampment—Snakes 53
Ruins of Feiran .... 55
Author’s botanical collections 50
Journey from Sherm to Sinai—Ras Mohammed 57
Sherm . 58
Advice to travellers .... CO
Geological features . Cl
Abundant water in Desert of Sinai—Wanderings of
Israelites .... 64
Small-pox—Treatment of its victims—Arab social af
fections . G5
Wadi Seder—Flowers—The camel 66
Reflections—Dangerous pass 68
Lady Hester Stanhope —Anecdote—British tars 69
Lovely pasturage . 75
Night scene in a cave 76
Hints to travellers . . . . 77
Water and water skins 78
Arab sepulture—Jebel Subeiyi—Arrival at convent of
Mount Sina’i . 80
Difficulty of admission—Convent cook 81
Monastic fare—Travellers’ apartment 82
Album—Missionary Wolff 83
Discipline and habits of the Monks . 84
Dress—Diet—Fasts .... 85
Scruples respecting animal food—Use of spirits—British
sailors—Superior . 86
Position of monastery 87
Interior . 89
Splendid screen—Skeleton hand 90
Sarcophagus of Catharine of Russia . 91
Burning bush .... 92
William de Bauldersell- Ascent of Mount Sinai 93
Description of summit 94
Reflections .... 98