Page 337 - Travels in Arabia (Vol 2)_Neat
P. 337
Names of Latitude by Latitude by
Places. Bruce. Survey. Difference. Remarks.
o o
Baraika 23 3G 9 23 3G 40 o 0 00 31 Narrative, vol. II. p. 159.
Rabegh 22 46 00 22 43 30 0 2 30 Ditto, vol. ii. p. 161.
Ras Ilataba 22 1 00 22 00 10 0 0 50
ShermOoboor 21 45 00 21 42 30 0 2 30
or Charles
J iddah . 21 2S 1 21 28 30 0 00 29 This latitude is deduced from llto means
of six stellar altitudes given iu the
Appendix, vol. ii. p. 3/2; the 6aU
and calculations, tlio latter by I)r.
Maskelyne, from which the Ion si-
tude is deduced, arc given in the
same volume, p. 382; and there
Bruce made it iu longitude 3931G' 45";
- • we made the longitudo 39* lG'Ou".
Gooss . 20 50 00 20 47 30 0 02 30
Merkat. 20 29 00 20 29 40 0 09 20
Mersa Ibrahim 20 8 00 20 8 40 0 00 40
Ras cl Askar 19 55 00 19 51 10 0 3 50
Gonfodah . 19 7 00 19 7 30 0 00 30
Ras Kali . 18 36 00 18 35 15 0 00 45
Manoud 18 25 00 18 16 10 0 OS 50
Dahaban . 18 11 00 18 5 40 0 ft 20
Kot timbal . 17 57 00 17 53 47 0 03 13
Gliisan 1G 45 00 1G 53 5 0 08 5
Loheiya 15 40 52 15 41 20 0 00 28 Bruce, by means of two observations
of Jupiter’s satellites, makes the
longitude of I.oheTya (vol. vii. Ap
pendix p. 384) 42° 55' 15” E. The
Benares made it, deduced from that
of Mokha, 42? 47'30. In the text
(vol. ii. p. 219) the longitudo is given
41° 58' 15”; but this must be a mis
take, sinco the lines give what I have
Kamaran . 15 20 00 15 20 12 0 00 12 Kamanin, by some mistake, probably of
the press, is stated in the text (p. 1271
to be in latitude 15°39'; but the chart
places it in the latitude 1 have in
Foosht . 15 59 43 16 10 00 0 10 17
Ilodeidah . 14 48 00 14 47 20 0 00 40
Jebel Feir . 15 38 00 15 32 50 0 5 10
Mokha . . 13 20 00 13 19 55 0 00 5
Cape Babcl- 12 39 20 12 41 00 0 01 40 The station where the latitude was ob
on tnc
mandeb served by the Benares was
N.E. extremity of the island, on
a projecting point: but Bruce ap
pears by his Narrative to have ob
served liis ou the S.E. There is a
difference of one mile between the
Crab Island 13 2 45 13 3 30 0 0 45
RackaGarbia 15 33 15 15 32 50 0 0 23
Dobelew Isl., 15 42 22 15 45 40 0 2 18
extreme of
the village
Ras Shonk 15 30 30 15 35 20 0 4 50
Ras Antalow 15 50 30 15 53 50 0 3 20
Massowah . 15 35 5 15 36 00 0 0 55