Page 336 - Travels in Arabia (Vol 2)_Neat
P. 336
Names of Latitude by Latitude by Difference. Item arks.
Places. Bruce. Survey.
o 99 o tt o •f
Kosair . 2G 7 51 26 G 59 0 0 52 Long.—34» 4' 15" E. Drucc; 34“ 23' 30".
Capo Nose, 24 3 00 23 54 00 0 09 00 This latitude is taken from tho chart,
Ras Bernos, whero the Cape is not distinctly de
orRasclAns Bruce places but little relianco on
this observation, for he says (vol. ii.
p. 113), "I computed myself to be
ubout four miles off the meridian
distance when I made the observa
tion, and take the latitude to be
about 24° 2' on the centre of the
St. John's, or 23 38 00 23 36 00 0 2 00 Bruce, shortly before anchoring at
Bruce Island this island, observes (vol. ii. p. 115),
** that he was sure of his latitude;"
lie does not however specify it in liis
Narrative, and I have taken its po
sition from his chart. From St.
John's he returned to Cossicr; on
the 5th of April he quitted Cossicr,
and proceeded northward towards
Tor, in the Sea of Suez.
Jaffatine Isl. 27 11 00 27 11 30 0 0 30 This latitude is taken from the chart.
No observation inserted in the Nar
rative or Appendix.
Shadwan, 27 19 00 27 27 00 0 8 0 Taken from Bruce’s chart.
S.E. point
Tor. 28 14 00 23 14 6 0 6 Ditto. Bruce remained here several
Ras or Cape 27 45 00 27 43 00 0 6 0 Lord Valentia (in vol. iii. p. 281) has
Mohammed stated the latitude of Ras Moham
med, as given by Bruce, to be 27°
54', whereas the Cape is not only
ma irked at 27° 40' on the chart, but
Bruce also says, in his Narrative
(vol. ii. p. 141). ** At night, by an
observation of two stars on the meri
dian, I concluded the latitude of Ras
Mohammed to be 27° 54'. This must
be understood of the mountain or
high land which forms behind the
Cape, and not the low point. The
latter extends three leagues to the
southward of tho high land.’’ There-
fore, three leagues or V S.; lat. of
high land 27° 54'; which would place
the low point in 27° 45' lat. N., ac
cording to Bruce—a difference of 3'
from our result, but of 9' from Nie
Hasani 24 54 00 24 58 00 0 4 00
Yembo’. 24 3 35 24 5 20 0 1 45 It is again at least singular that Lord
Valentia states Bruce’s latitude of
this port at 24o o', whereby it is
again made to agree with Niebuhr’s,
I take the latitude of Bruce from
the text (vol. ii. p. 158). In the Ap
pendix (vol. vii. p. 172) the altituae
of the star Pegasus is given, from
which this is computed. In the Ap
pendix (vol. vii. p. 381) Bruce gives
the longitude, deduced from two ob
servations of Jupiter’s satellites, at
38° 16' 30", exactly agreeing with
what we made the longitude deduced
from J iddali, supposing that place to
be in 39° 18', as we and several other
ships liavo determined it.