Page 387 - Travels in Arabia (Vol 2)_Neat
P. 387
Causes which led to the discovery of Berbera—Description—
A Sumali — Houses — Arms — Population—Trade—Markets
—Produce— Coffee — Bazar— Water—Banians—Character of
the natives of Berbera — Dress — Description of a Battle—
National Councils—War Songs—Robbers—Converts to Mo
hammedanism—Tomb— Commercial intercourse with Abyssinia.
The harbour and mart of Berbera is situated
on the western or African side, just without
the straits of Babelmandeb.
Though occasionally visited by small ves
sels from America, India, and the Isle of
France, it remained almost unknown to Euro
peans until 1826, when the Bombay Govern
ment having received intelligence that a brig
from the Mauritius had been seized there, and
part of her crew barbarously murdered, de
spatched an expedition against it. The Eng
lish squadron fully brought about the object
for which it had been sent; yet beyond this
little occurred worthy of narration. Directly