Page 85 - The Postal Agencies in Eastern Arabia
P. 85

regardless of final destination; that they were, in fact, Taquebot’
                       cancellations used in the same manner as the Karachi ‘A’ - ‘F date-
                       stamps of 1924 -1929.
  L                                           —'
  m                                  I9MAY

 -W                                  1.9 4- 3

                                                  Type 5

                                 0^4/                               /

                                                        *              •V
                                27 MAY43                   20MAR.47

                                                                 N &

                                  Type 6                     Type 7
                            The new Sub Office cancellations (Type 5, which was not a
                       machine cancellation, and Type 6) appeared in 1942; and the
                       latter remained in use until late in 1948. The last of the Indian admin­
                       istration cancellers (Type 7) came into use in 1946 and is known as
                       late as August 1949.

                            Unoverprinted Indian Victory stamps were placed on sale in
                       Dubai in early 1946, but covers bearing these stamps used from
                       Dubai arc very scarce.
                            With the resumption of air mail services after the war there was
                       need for higher value stamps and all the Indian 1940 issue (white
                       background) to 12 annas were commonly used. The R1 and Rs2 of
   !                   1937 may occasionally be found but are not at all common.
                       Immediately before and following the war, “Empire” and “Sunder-

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