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Sign of the times - 2020
Arriving in 2020...We live in a paradoxical time. The world is fl uid, the system around us is rigid. Limitless and restrictive at the same time. We are more connected than ever. Production is high, new collections follow each other faster, leading to a continuous traveling circus of fashion industry professionals and an almost continuous status of sale and discount in shops, real world and online alike.The courier van has become a substitute for the fi tting room and with free shipping and free returns as the standard it is easier than ever to return the non-fi tting items. The free fl ow of information increases competition and forces down prices with an impact on the entire supply chain.
People worldwide literally and figuratively stand up to make their voices heard. To defend shared values. To fight for freedom, equality, inclusivity. There is a spreading need of controlling our environmental footprint to ensure our activities are sustainable in the long term. The overconsumption, driven by the continuous push for newness, the abundance of waste and carbon emissions from production and supply chain is accelerating climate change. Classics are being reinvented and systems are being flipped. The time to re-write the codes has come.