Page 12 - Newsletter July - Sep 2020__
P. 12

Suicide: The Ultimate Revenge
When we hear about someone committing suicide, emotions of shock, curiosity, and finally
sympathy arises. However, when we learn that someone has committed a murder, the emotions produced are shock, curiosity, hatred, and vengeance.
In my perception, there is not much difference between the act of committing suicide or a murder. In both cases, someone dies at the hand of somebody. Then, why do we discriminate against one out of the two?
No, I am not against sympathizing with the dead. My question is about the murderer. We want to punish the murderer just because he is alive but, sympathize with suicide victims because one is dead and there is nothing that could be done against him/her.
When a person commits suicide, we try to hunt for the reasons. However, when someone commits
a murder, we do not bother about finding out the cause, except in the courtroom. What if the person who committed suicide, murders his/her oppressor? Would we still sympathize with him/her in the same manner?
Of course not!
There are two major causes for taking such a step:
1. When one is extremely angry with someone else
Those who commit suicide are losers. They do not have the courage to fight against the
wrongdoers. Hence, they resort to the route of ‘ultimate revenge’ thinking that after the suicide,
everyone will sympathize and fight against the oppressor and for the dead. And, if nothing else, at least the oppressor will spend all their lives in guilt. One expects, that people will think and blame themselves for not being able to do enough for the suicide victim.
However, the cruel reality is that most of the time, the oppressors remain unfazed as they never cared in the first place or apparently wished that their victim should die as soon as possible.

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