Page 10 - Newsletter July - Sep 2020__
P. 10

Remain real and remain grounded. You need to understand the truth and embrace it in place of becoming elusive.
2. Ability Assumptions
This is an assumption about people’s ability to do things or get things done. Capabilities of various people on a variety of tasks and skills vary. Due to the kind of work your people have displayed, sometimes successful at other times, not so successful, you make assumptions about their capabilities. When these assumptions prove right, you consider yourself intelligent, when they are proven wrong, suddenly it is not you, but the others who are now responsible?
Success is consciously produced when you assess your people’s capabilities in conjunction with them, else you make an assumption that may or may not prove itself. A risk you need not take.
3. Willingness Assumptions
I have witnessed corporates creating brilliant strategies for their future growth. While these strategies assume many aspects, one of the critical assumptions strategists make is that their people “want to actively participate in order to grow in their personal lives and professions”. While there is no doubt about the fact that everyone in this world wishes to grow, but an assumption that they want to grow and then to assume that they are willing to act to achieve their wishes can go horribly wrong. There is a big difference between wanting to wake up in the morning and willingness to do so. People are happy to express their desires, they are also happy to talk about all the things necessary to fulfil those desires yet unwilling to do these things themselves.
Willingness is needed in each human and some examples of willingness are to think, to
collaborate, to decide, to participate, to listen, to analyse, to sell, to produce, to improve, to learn, to support, to seek, etc.
While everyone knows that they need to listen to others, most people find this one of the
toughest tasks. The culprit here is the ‘low willingness’ to listen. Having the intellect where one knows the need to listen or even a sharper intellect where one knows that they do not listen, yet they actually do not listen, is always a problem of willingness to listen.

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