Page 8 - Newsletter July - Sep 2020__
P. 8

Why Are We Unable To Execute Our Business Plan?
Execution requires a balance between an amazing plan/idea and the in-depth executable
The Devil Lies in Detail
When you have hit upon a great idea and decided to execute it through your entrepreneurial
venture, the obstacle that you now face is not going into the details. Remember however good your idea is, “The Devil Always Lies in Absolute Detail”. Execution lies in mastering the granular details. But when plans are made, we often leave out the minor details thinking that our determination to do and to get things done will automatically overcome those minor issues. Only to realise later that those minor issues were the real stumbling blocks.
The Mistake of Assumptions
I know of this brilliant person who decided to start her own venture after serving long enough at senior positions in the corporate world across the globe. Her idea was brilliant and her years of expertise lay in her execution skills. She was confident and many fund houses supported her confidence through their investments.
When she got down to starting her own venture, the issue that brought her down was her “assumed” supportive relationship with her family. Over all these years of her global life, she had failed to build her support blocks to take care of her personal, emotional and family needs. Her husband had been supporting her and the host of caretakers in the house along with her cousins and parents supported her all these years. But, when it came to starting on her own, she now needed to give more time to the business than ever before, and her assumptions that everyone will come around once again to support her like in the past failed her!

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