Page 7 - Newsletter July - Sep 2020__
P. 7

Insight. Knowing. Enlightenment. Bodh. At this point, he takes that tool of logic and fearlessly applies it consciously to delve into emotions and the unconscious doubts. What was it about my emotional state that was causing me to act the way I did, when taking short positions? What was happening to my emotional state when after entering those short positions, the market began to rise? Did I unravel/liquidate the short positions driven by animalistic fear, or did I use analysis? Notice that at this stage there is no fear. No self-doubt. Nothing is swept under the carpet anymore. Nothing is left unexamined, or un-analyzed anymore, because of the fear that examining it may cause pain, or regret, or guilt. Everything is seen the way it should be seen. Un-afraid. Un-reluctantly. Un-apprehensively. Every detail is looked into: willingly, face on, hands-on.
The pure analysis and questioning of our own actions and behaviour. Unafraid. A quest to know.
From here on, the trader begins to invest the remaining 50% of his holdings, but now aware of his
fears; aware of the flow of his demons: the emotional states. Whether the trader makes a killing, or whether the trader loses money is another matter. But the trader has picked up the tools to take the optimal course of action every time. Whether he takes the optimal course of action, depends on how well he can navigate his mind as it broods, then thinks, then contemplates, and then knows!
Mrinal Sinha
Co-Founder and CEO
Vitraya Technologies Private Limited

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