Page 5 - Newsletter July - Sep 2020__
P. 5

 Dear Reader,
A lot has changed since our last newsletter and the start of COVID19 pandemic. These have been different times for each of us to manage. The world’s been turned on its head and we all have responded to it in our own unique ways. Companies all over the world are adopting new business practices. As the government is now relaxing the lockdown and our businesses getting ready for work from home and virtual meetings, let us remember that we are all weathering the same storm.
You are the SKC World community and we wouldn't be the company we are, without you. Our team has prepared a short survey in which we would like you to participate, sharing with us your experience in this phase and the plan for the future. We hope you will take this opportunity to contribute and be heard.
It is a short survey and all the questions are MCQs. Every answer we receive will help us in our
research efforts. Your individual responses would remain confidential and would be used for
analysis purpose only and the results would be sent back to you as soon as the survey is complete.
Do take out some of your precious time for time survey!
Team SKC

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