Page 9 - Newsletter July - Sep 2020__
P. 9

She hadn’t realised that people had grown tired of supporting her and they also needed her time and support in return. She had failed to account for the fact that her loving and doting husband also needed her. That her now grown-up son had grown accustomed to not seeing her most of the time, that her parents and in-laws had grown old and no more capable to be the mother or wife she never was, while she had been busy all these years. Suddenly, she was hit with a loneliness that she had not accounted for.
Her motivation to carry on took a hit and despite her having sufficient resilience and strength, it
started to die down in a few years as she did not have any support. Any number of new relationships, attention, fame and wealth were not giving her the motivation to go on. She had made the BIG Mistake of “assuming” that this one small matter of her family being there for her will not come true. Thus, never just “Assume”. Remember that your business plan needs to incorporate the minutest of details basis the real-time facts.
The 5 Types of Assumptions
Most intelligent planners make this mistake of assumptions while preparing detailed execution
plans. These common assumptive mistakes occur in the following 5 manners:
1. Attitudinal Assumptions
“He/she has the correct and required attitudes to produce the desired outcomes” is a very common assumption we make as entrepreneurs. We make this assumption about others as well as ourselves. Sometimes this assumption is in a negative form where people assume “I/He/She can’t do something at all”. One may suffer from fears, habits or some memories that give them a negative perception about themselves and others. Those who make this mistake of being overly optimistic or pessimistic (both are assumptions) about people’s attitudes, usually become a witness to unpleasant results.
Common success attitudes that help avoid this mistake are team collaboration, team leadership, Initiative (more than required), constructive participation, attitude towards mistakes and failures of self and others, compassion, inclusion, etc.

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