Page 2 - Newsletter July - Sep 2020__
P. 2

From the desk of Shalini and Sameer Kamboj
Welcome to Anantah. It means that which has no end... or is “Infinite”. When we develop an inwards looking perspective towards the Finite, we can add the prefix of “In” to the “Finite” to experience the In-Finite. That is Anantah.
Through Anantah, we will be sharing our joy, our struggles, ourselves as we continue on this path of spreading Conscious Entrepreneurship.
Conscious Entrepreneurship is a concept that can be understood in various ways.
In the context of business, it is understood by some as "Values" while some understand it as "Vision". This is a very limited way of looking at businesses till we don't understand where do these Values or Vision come from? Within? How to know for sure that the Vision and Values we have are truly ours? These are critical questions to ask ourselves. What if we spend our entire life chasing a Vision to only realise that it was never ours! Or to live our life on Values that we were simply conditioned with! Hence, Conscious Entrepreneurship is a concept that goes beyond these ideas of Vision and Values. It goes to the levels of your Core.
We have witnessed that over the past couple of centuries, organisations have struggled to scale as well as to survive. To achieve this, leaders have deployed multiple models including Vision and Values to achieve their aims. While many claim that they succeeded (purely economically), an immense struggle goes on both within and between people in these organisations.
Conscious Entrepreneurship is a solution to this imbroglio. It goes beyond the prevailing concepts of leadership and management. It touches the human core. It works not just on Human Potential, but answers some fundamental questions about Life, Emotions, Mind, Energy and People around us. It empowers people to find not just their purpose but a method of their fulfilment. Once touched by Consciousness, life becomes easy and struggles reduce.

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