Page 171 - University English for non-speacalist
P. 171

Used to show an exact or a             - There's a meeting at 2.30 this afternoon /
        particular time:                          at lunch time.

Since   - From a particular time in            - England have not won the World Cup in
           the past until a later time,           football since1966
           or until now
                                               - I'm just going to bed for an hour or so.
               - Used to show an amount of
For                                            - The dinosaurs died out 65 million
                                                  years ago.
                                               - She's always up before dawn.
                - Back in the past; back in
Ago                                            - It's twenty to six.

                    time from the present.     - Five past ten
                                               - It's only two weeks to Christmas.
Before  - At or during a time earlier
           than                                - The museum is open from 9.30 to 6.00
                                                  Tuesday to Sunday.
               - Used when saying the time,
To to mean before the stated                   - We waited till / until half past six for you.
                                               - She had promised to be back by five
Past - Telling the time

               - Until a particular time,
To marking end of a period of


From    - Used to show the time
           when something starts

Till / Until - Up to (the time that)

               - Not later than; at or before

2) Preposition of Place:

Preposition of            Explanation                 Example
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