Page 173 - University English for non-speacalist
P. 173

and touching it.       radio

             - Left, right       - The girl who is by / next to / beside
                                    the house.
             - A floor in a
                                 - The town lies halfway between Rome
             house                  and Florence.

             - Used         for  - I hung my coat behind the door.
                                 - She started talking to the man in front
             showing some
                                    of her
             methods of          - The cat is under the chair.
                                 - the plane is just below the the cloud

             - Television,


By, next     - Not far away in
to, beside,     distance
             - In or into the
Between         space which
                separates two
Behind          places, people
                or objects
In front of
             - At the back
Under           (of)
             - Further
                forward than
                someone or
                something else

             - lower than (or
                covered by)
                something else

             - lower than

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