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English for Tourism & Hospitality (102) by Prof. Adel AlSheikh
It is also used to describe our reactions to something someone tells us. For
example “My sister told me she was going to create her own dance school, and
I was like “That’s so cool! I want to take lessons!” So I used “I was like” to
describe the way I reacted to my sister‟s announcement.

Can you guess the meaning of this expression. Here are some examples : How
come you want to go to Disneyworld? How come you don’t want to go to
the beach? How come you didn’t tell me you got a new job?
Do you know what “how come” means?
“Why. “ It means why. But instead of saying “Why didn‟t you tell me?” You‟ll
often hear Americans say “How come you didn‟t tell me?” Instead of “Why do
you want to go to Disneyworld?”, we‟ll say “How come you want to go to

This expression is used to give instructions to somebody. In real English, it
sounds like /whutchuh wanna do wiz/ /whutchuh wanna do wiz/. It means “You
need to do…” when you‟re giving instructions to someone.
For example, if you want to get the American Accent Survival Kit, what you
want to do is go to Then what you want to do is click on
“Bonuses” and then the survival kit. And then what you want to do is sign up to
get it for free! And that‟s how we sometimes give instructions in English!

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