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                       Affairs and Trade on suicide by veterans and ex-   (around A$120,000) to complete new visitor facilities. This is
                               service personnel.             in  addition to  the  A$440,000 already  contributed to
                                                              Vignacourt as part of the Australian Remembrance Trail.
           The  Commission will also  review the  governance
           arrangements, administrative processes and service delivery  “The  importance of  this  discovery and the  work here to
           of the Veterans’ Affairs portfolio.                preserve the story  of  the Thuillier’s  and  their  extraordinary
                                                              collection cannot be overstated.”
           Minister for Veterans’ Affairs Darren Chester said the inquiry
           will build on the Government’s agenda of placing the needs of  The other site to receive funding is the Naours Caves, a three-
           veterans and their  families at  the  centre of  the  services  kilometre  long complex of  tunnels  which became  a  tourist
           provided by the Department of Veterans’ Affairs.   attraction for soldiers in the area during the First World War.
                                                              “In  2015, more than 2000 individual inscriptions  by  Allied
           “As we mark 100 years of repatriation and continue caring for  soldiers were found in the  caves, of which more than 730
           the next generation of veterans, this inquiry will help inform  Australian names  have been  so  far identified,” Mr Chester
           how we deliver services for our ex-service men and women  said.
           and their families into the future,” Mr Chester said.
                                                              “These inscriptions are a wonderful historical record and the
           The  Commission is due to  report to  Government within  15  Australian Government is proud to  contribute  €20,000
           months.                                            (A$30,000)  to  help secure,  protect  and  preserve this
                                                              important part of our history.
           Public consultation will be undertaken as part of the inquiry
           and the  Government encourages  all  interested parties to  “This is a very special place, and we will work closely with the
           participate. Further information and the terms of reference  local authorities over the coming years to ensure a positive
           are available on the Commission's website.         visitor experience at this  key  stop  on  the Australian
                                                              Remembrance Trail along the Western Front.”
           Andrew Carswell 0418 505 376, Kate Williams 0429 584 675   Further  information  on  the  Australian Remembrance Trail
                                                              along the Western Front, including a Traveller’s Guide, can be
           Minister Chester:
           Whil Prendergast: 0427 672 815                     accessed on the Sir John Monash Centre website.
                                                              Media Contacts:
                                                              Whil Prendergast: 0427 672 815
                                                              DVA Media: 02 6289 6466

                        The Hon Darren Chester MP
                         Minister for Veterans’ Affairs
                        Minister for Defence Personnel
            Minister Assisting the Prime Minister for the Centenary of ANZAC

           MEDIA RELEASE – Sunday 22 April 2018                            The Hon Darren Chester MP
                                                                            Minister for Veterans’ Affairs
                                                                           Minister for Defence Personnel
           Australian Government supports outstanding French Sites   Minister Assisting the Prime Minister for the Centenary of ANZAC
           TWO of the sites on the Australian Remembrance Trail along
           the Western Front will be enhanced and preserved, ensuring   MEDIA RELEASE – Sunday 22 April 2018
           the contribution of Australians in the First World War is never
           forgotten.                                         Sir  John  Monash  Centre  opens  on  ANZAC  Day  2018,  the
                                                              Centenary of the Second Battle of Villers-Bretonneux
           Ahead of the official opening of the Sir John Monash Centre,   THE centrepiece of Australia’s Anzac Centenary 2014–18, the
           Minister for  Veterans’  Affairs Darren Chester  announced   Sir John Monash Centre, opens in France today, honouring
           funding of  €95,000 (around A$150,000)  for  projects in   more than 295,000 soldiers who served on the Western Front
           Vignacourt and Naours.                             and the 46,000 who died there.

           “The small French village of Vignacourt has become famously   The  Sir  John  Monash Centre, named after  the  commander
           associated with the Thuillier Collection, a large collection of   who led Allied troops to victory at the famous Battle of Hamel
           well-preserved glass plate negative  photographs of  Allied   in 1918, is located alongside the historic Australian National
           soldiers from the  First World War  which was discovered in   Memorial at Villers-Bretonneux, north of Paris.
           2011 after almost a century,” Mr Chester said.
                                                              The  Centre was  officially  opened  by  Prime  Minister of
           “Following the discovery of the fantastic Thuillier Collection,   Australia, the  Hon. Malcolm Turnbull  MP,  and the  Prime
           which includes  some  800 images  of  Australian soldiers,   Minister of France Édouard Philippe.
           interest in Vignacourt’s part in the war is very high and that is
           why the Australian Government is providing €75,000
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