Page 21 - TPI Victoria Inc. CHINup Winter 2018 Edition-FINAL_Neat
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           “Mental health continues to be a big issue in communities
           throughout  the country  and  we provide free  mental  health
           care to anyone who has served for one day in the Australian
           Defence Force. We will be establishing a new Veteran Suicide    The Hon Darren Chester MP
           Prevention  Pilot  to deliver intensive  and  assertive          Minister for Veterans’ Affairs
           management services  to  veterans following an attempted        Minister for Defence Personnel
           suicide or to those at significant risk of suicide.   Minister Assisting the Prime Minister for the Centenary of ANZAC

           “This pilot is about linking non-government and government  MEDIA RELEASE – Wednesday 30 May 2018
           support  services  to support  vulnerable veterans’ and their
           families and will  be  offered at  nine public  and private  Assistance Dog Trial to help tackle Veteran Mental Health
           hospitals in Brisbane.                             The Federal  Government is putting veterans first  with an
                                                              innovative trial of assistance dogs for veterans.
           “We want  to  encourage and  support  those studying  with  a
           view to getting them back into the workforce. This is why we  La Trobe  University in  Victoria will  partner  with  the
           will remove the reduction in the amount of incapacity payment  Department of  Veterans’ Affairs  (DVA)  in  conducting a  $2
           which normally occurs after 45 weeks for those undertaking  million  trial of  post-traumatic stress disorder  (PTSD)
           approved full-time study as part of their rehabilitation plan.   assistance dogs for  veterans, Minister  for  Veterans’ Affairs
           This will  mean  veterans can focus on their  study without  Darren Chester announced today.
           having to worry about changes to their financial situation.”
                                                              “I am pleased to announce that DVA has engaged La Trobe
           The Bill will also enable the grandchildren of Vietnam veterans  University, in  partnership  with the  Centre  for Service  and
           to be  eligible  to receive  financial  support  to further their  Therapy Dogs Australia, to undertake the trial of assistance
           education through the Long Tan Bursary Scheme.     dogs  for  veterans with PTSD as a supplement to  clinical
                                                              treatment,” Mr Chester said.
           “We will continue to honour the service and sacrifice of the
           men and  women who  served  our county in Vietnam  by  “La Trobe is a leader in research involving our best friend and
           extending this support  to  their  grandchildren,” Mr  Chester  is the  home  to  Australia’s first  dedicated human-dog
           said.                                              interaction  laboratory.  Dogs are  great  company, good fun,
                                                              loyal friends and anyone who has had a dog knows they can
           “Families who have suffered the tragic loss of a partner and  be incredibly beneficial for your wellbeing.
           who are wholly dependent partners of veterans will have two
           years to decide how to receive the compensation in periodic  “The trial will be a considered process that takes into account
           payments or as a lump sum, which is an increase from the  the specific  needs  of  the participating  veteran  -  such as
           current six months.                                determining the most appropriate breed and temperament of
                                                              dog, and the  bonding process between  the  dog  and
           “The loss of a loved one is life changing and an incredible  participant.”
           challenging time for any family, this change will remove the
           pressure to  make  an immediate decision so  that  they can  Mr Chester said work would commence on the detailed design
           make the best choice for their needs.              phase of  the trial,  including  the process  for veteran
                                                              recruitment. Selection of participants will commence early in
           “This legislation re-affirms  the Turnbull Government’s  2019, with dog or puppy selection taking place after that.
           commitment to put veterans and their families at the centre
           of everything that we do.”                         “Following the matching and suitability process, there will be
                                                              a  period of  approximately  18 months for  the  initial  dog
           Other  measures in  the  Bill will include allowing  claims  for  training and the bonding process, prior to the placement of
           compensation under  the  Military  Rehabilitation and  the  dog  with the  participant on  a  permanent  basis. It is
           Compensation Act 2004 (MRCA) to be made orally as well as  expected that up to 20 participants will take part in the trial,”
           in  writing.  This  Bill will allow  for some of  the measures  Mr Chester said.
           announced in the 2018-19 Budget to be implemented.
                                                              “Unlike pet or companion dogs, assistance dogs are specially
           Media Contacts:                                    trained to  perform ‘tasks’ that  contribute to  the clinical
           Whil Prendergast: 0427 672 815                     recovery goals of the individual. The assistance dog will be
           DVA Media: 02 6289 6466                            integrated as part of a clinical care plan involving the veteran
                                                              and their mental health clinician.
                                                              “Of course, throughout this trial, the welfare and safety of the
                                                              veterans and of the dogs will be paramount.”
                                                              La Trobe Deputy Vice-Chancellor Professor Keith Nugent said
                                                              that the University, in consultation with DVA, veteran mental
                                                              health and industry  experts, will  establish and apply  best
                                                              practice protocols  to guide  the  training, selection and
                                                              monitoring of participants and assistance dogs.
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